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新标准大学英语综合教程3答案unit test(2)

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新标准大学英语综合教程3答案unit test

  Unit 6 heroes

  6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.

  1 I thought how we firemen were alwayssaying to each other, “I’ll see you at the big one.” Or, “We’ll all meet at thebig one.” I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, butit was part of our shorthand. Meaning, no matter how big this fire is, there’llbe another one bigger, somewhere down the road. We’ll make it through this one,and we’ll make it through that one, too. I always said it, at big fires, and Ialways heard it back, and here I was, thinking I would never say or hear thesewords again, because there would never be another fire as big as this. This wasthe big one we had all talked about, all our lives, and if I hadn’t known thisbefore – just before these chilling moments – this sick, black noise nowconfirmed it. (? 这段话由许多短句构成,要注意短句间语气的连接。像at big fires,all our lives等词语应该调整语序。)


  2 Named as the first chairman of the UNHuman Rights Commission, Roosevelt oversaw thetwo-year process of drafting and securing passage of the Universal Declarationof Human Rights. Additionally, her clashes with representatives of the Soviet Union led one Republican to lean forward in hischair and state – he wouldn’t allow his name to be used for fear of beinglabeled as a Democratic supporter – “Now, if you want to know what I thinkabout Mrs Roosevelt, she is tuh-riffic! Mrs Roosevelt is unique in her 3zw6.indd212 2010.1.25 1:13:11 PMStreets full of capacity to create an understanding of ourposition in the minds of the delegates of other countries. Her performance isso superlative that it is rather unexpected to be asked to evaluate her inordinary terms.”

  作为联合国人权委员会的首任主席,罗斯福监督了《世界人权宣言》历时两年的起草和通过的全过程。此外, 她和苏联代表的交锋让一位共和党人从椅子上朝前探过身来,说出了下面一番话——因为怕被当成是民主党的支持者,他不愿意透露自己的姓名——“如果你想知道我对罗斯福夫人的看法,那我会说她真是了不起! 罗斯福夫人有一种独特的能力,能让其他国家的代表清楚地了解我们的立场。要用平常的语言来评价她高超的外交手腕,一时间还真不知道该怎么说。”

  7 Translate the paragraphs into English.

  1 人们很不理解为什么他一份工作干了30年,大多数人到了他这个年纪至少已经换了四五份工作了。也许对他来说,为了获得更高的薪水或是寻求体验新事物的刺激而换工作毫无意义。在他看来,唯一重要的事是稳定。(stick with; point; thrill)

  People are quite puzzled about the factthat he has stuck with the same job for 30 years when most people of his age have changed at leastfour or five jobs. Maybe for him there is no point in changing jobs for ahigher pay or for the thrill of experiencing something new. The only thing thatmatters, in his point of view, is stability.

  2 协会中的大多数会员认为应该竭力游说政府,确保这项计划获得批准。至关重要的是要把决策者中的一些反对者争取过来。虽然这会很难,但是他们下定决心要作最大的努力。 (lobby; win over; adj. +though it + be; utmost)

  Most members of the association believethat they need to lobby as hard as possible to make sure thatthe plan will beapproved by the government. It’s essential to win over some of the naysayersamong thepolicy makers. Tough though it will be, they have made up their mindto make utmost efforts.

  Unit 7 The secret life of science

  6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.

  1 .Red lights come up just as often whenthe driver is not in a hurry; it’s just that the disadvantage of the red lightis considerably less if time is not critical. The false part of the perceptionis that red lights happen more than green lights. The reason for this is simplythat a driver has more time to think about a red light than a green light,because while the latter is gone in seconds – and indeed is an experience no differentfrom just driving along the open road – the red light forces a change ofbehaviour, a moment of exertion and stress, and then a deprivation of freedomfor a minute or so. Red lights stick in the mind, while green lights areinstantly forgotten. (? The false part of the perception 直译为“认知中错误的部分”不妥,应译成“错觉”。第三句是一个复杂的长句,应按原文的顺序拆分成若干短句。整个段落的译文要注意对比与因果的关系。)


  2 Can anyone learn to sing? It’s a questionthat haunted me as I was writing my most recent book The Singing Neanderthals.My research had persuaded me that musicality is deeply embedded in the human genome,with far more ancient evolutionary roots than spoken language. Yet here I was,unable to carry a tune or match a rhythm. Friends and academic colleaguesclaimed this was simply because I had been “turned off” from music as a child and if only I took a few lessons Iwould find my voice. Maybe they were right. So humiliated was I by musicteachers who made me “sing” alone in front of the class that I dropped music atthe first opportunity and haven’t participated in anything musical for over 35years. Perhaps I could learn to sing. (? 被动说法 I had been turned off from music 译成主动态更好一些。倒数第二句原文是倒装句,译文不必按原文的顺序译,但需把长句拆分成短句。)

  人人都能学会唱歌吗?在撰写我最新出版的《唱着歌的尼安德特人》一书时,这个问题就一直萦绕在我的心头。我做的研究让我相信音乐才能是深深植根于人类基因中的,从进化史的角度来说,它比人类的口头语言都要古老得多。可是我本人一唱起歌来不是跑调,就是跟不上节奏。朋友们和学术同僚们都说,那都是因为我小时候对音乐失去了兴趣,只要上几节音乐课,我一定能放声歌唱。也许他们是对的。记得小时候,音乐老师们让我在全班同学面前独“唱”,让我觉得很丢脸。所以后来一有机会,我就躲开音乐,35 年来从来没有参加过任何音乐活动。说不定学一学我也能唱得不错。

  7 Translate the paragraphs into English.

  1 媒体对于接连发生的两件惨剧之间没有任何关系的说法表示怀疑,总统没有迅速作出反应也让大家很不满。谈到总统的执政能力,媒体早已失去信心,除非他能在随后的任期中有所作为。(consecutive; independent of; responsive; when it comes to; if only)

  The media doubt the claim that the twoconsecutive tragedies were independent of each other, and are dissatisfied with the fact that thePresident was not responsive immediately. When it comes to his competence inrunning the government, the media have long lost their trust, if only he coulddo well in his subsequent term.

  2 时刻牢记不要因为你的孩子成绩不好而羞辱他们,因为这种被羞辱的痛苦记忆可能会困扰孩子很长时间,使他们从小就厌学,并且会妨碍他们形成积极的生活态度。只有当父母发现孩子身上的优点,并且不断鼓励他们,孩子的发展才能得以长久。(turn off from; humiliate; haunt; identify)

  Keep remembering that do not humiliate yourchild because they don’t gain good grades, as their memory of the humiliation will haunt themfor a long time, turn them off from learning at an early age and prevent them from gaining positiveattitudes towards life. The development of children can be sustained only whenparents identify the strengths in their children and encourage them from timeto time.

  Unit8 High days and holidays

  5 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.

  1.On International Women’s Day, Sovietwomen bask in their menfolk’s

  love and gratitude. In the morning, as itis a holiday, they lounge in bed instead of going out to work. Their husbands,with much cursing and clattering of pans, cook breakfast for the family; by teno’clock they proudly serve their wives a charred and shrivelled egg. Beside thewoman’s plate will be a bunch of flowers and a little gift, a bottle of scentperhaps, or a pair of tights, which she will exclaim over until the children,scarlet with fury, insist that their mother makes them their proper breakfast.(? pans 在原文中其实泛指厨房里的物件,译成汉语时应为“锅碗瓢盆”。)

  在国际妇女节那一天, 苏联的妇女们沐浴在男性所给予的爱意和感激之中。因为这一天是假日,早上她们不用去上班,可以懒洋洋地躺在床上。而她们的丈夫们则要为全家人做早饭,虽然嘴里骂骂咧咧的,还弄得锅碗瓢盆叮当乱响;到了十点,丈夫颇为自豪地把煎得焦糊糊、皱巴巴的鸡蛋端到妻子跟前。盘子边上还放着一束鲜花,一份小礼物,可能是一瓶香水或者一双裤袜,妻子会高兴得大叫起来,激动好一会儿,直到孩子们怒气冲冲地跑过来,小脸涨得通红,闹着要妈妈给他们做一顿像样的`早餐。

  2 For good or bad, the world has possiblyundergone more changes in the past two decades than it did in the past twocenturies. We have used more resources, burnt more fuel, caused more pollutionand killed off more animals and plants as we have come closer to each other toform a truly global village. Television, we thought, was the last unitingfactor till we got a feel for the Internet.All these changes have made us takea different look at the world beyond and our home within. Nothing comes withouta rider in this global market. If we want to be part of the dazzle and comfortthat the West is known for, we had better accept some of its anomalies, too.This is not to say that festivals mean something else to the West.

  不管是好是坏, 世界在过去二十多年间所经历的变化可能比过去两百年间所经历的还要多。为了让彼此间联系得更紧密,营造出一个真正的地球村,我们消耗了更多的资源,烧掉了更多的能源,造成了更多的污染,灭杀了更多的动植物。过去,我们一直把电视看作是连接全世界的终极手段,直到我们了解了互联网,才发现事实并非如此。所有这些变化都让我们用另外一种眼光来看待外面的世界以及我们自己的家园。在这个全球市场中,得到任何东西都是要付出代价的。如果我们想拥有西方世界那著名的眩目而舒适的生活,我们也必须接受西方文化中的一些异常事物。当然,这并不是说节日对于西方人来说有着不同的意义。

  6 Translate the paragraphs into English.

  1 和妻子离婚之后,他知道自己将受到朋友们无穷无尽的指责,因为他们都听信流言,认为他为了一个更年轻的女人而抛弃了妻子。每次在街上碰到朋友,他们都会严厉地责备他不该背叛自己的妻子。他终于明白,如果谣言一直不散的话,人们会逐渐地信以为真。(never hear the end of it; dump; bump into; stick around)

  When he divorced his wife, he knew that hewould never hear the end of it from his friends, becausethey all believed therumour that he had dumped her for a younger woman. Whenever he bumped intoafriend in the street, they would reprimand him severely for betraying hiswife. He realized with his ownexperience that if a rumour stuck around longenough, people would gradually take it as true.

  2 在经历了这么多磨难后,他把所有的愤怒、不满和绝望都发泄在周围人身上了,不管他们是家人还是同事。对于他这些反常的行为我们不能视而不见,而要多给他一些关心和爱。我们相信,他一定会重拾信心,挺过这段艰难时期。(undergo; vent; be they …; shut one’s eyes and ears to; be bound to)

  After undergoing so many misfortunes, hevents all his anger, discontent and despair on people around him, be theyfamilies or colleagues. Instead of shutting our eyes and ears to his anomalies,we should offer him more cares and love. We believe he is bound to recollecthimself and go through the tough time.__


  1先前的一些调查表明,在这个国家的政治选举中种族曾经是最为重要的因素,因为这是一个由多个种族、多个民族组成的国家。随后,大量移民的涌入使得情况更为复杂。候选人不得不把信仰、文化等问题考虑进来。(be comprised of; substantial; complicate)

  Accordingto some prior surveys, race used to be the most important factor in politicalelections of this country, as the population is comprised of multi-races andmulti-ethnics. However, a substantial number of immigrants complicated thesituation. Candidates are obliged to take the issues of faith and cultures intoconsideration.


  欲,而让国家和人民的利益受损。(aspire; have impact on; maintain)

  Alltalented young men who are interested in politics aspire to become greatpolitical leaders some day, to have impact on the world in a positive way andmake it a better place. But sadly, many of them, after realizing their dreams,will only be concerned with maintaining their power and status instead of servingpeople. What is worse, sometimes they will abuse power to satisfy their greedat the expense of the country and people.



  中获得心灵宁静的欲望。(plausible; wipe out; trace back to; more than just;dispose of; symbolize)

  Inthis book he attempted to give a plausible reason to explain why this ancientritual, instead of being wiped out by modern civilization, is spreading outthrough the whole country. His conclusion is that as a tradition that can betraced back to the 5th century, it is more than just a ritual that can beeasily disposed of; it symbolizes the human effort to find harmony in the universeand thus satisfies people’s need to achieve peace of mind in a chaotic world.

  2这部电视剧主要讲述了一对恋人为了过上更好的生活,暂时分离,各自去他国留学的故事。其中,男女主人公分别时在机场相拥而泣的场景最令人感动。不管它真实与否,流畅的剧情和主要演员所展示出的精湛演技还是让观众对该剧评价甚高。(that of; depart; embrace; adj. +or not; storytelling)

  Thestory of this TV series is that of a couple who, in order to earn a betterlife, depart each other and study overseas on their own. The most strikingscene is when the hero and heroine embrace each other and say farewell at theairport. Factual or not, it is highly praised by the audience because of itssmooth

  storytellingand sophisticated acting skills of the feature actors.

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