雅思(IELTS) 百分网手机站


时间:2018-02-08 14:07:46 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿




  Survey reveals 调查显示

  Secure a job 找到一份工作

  Be absorbed into the labour market 进入劳动力市场

  The labour market is very soft 劳动力市场不景气

  We are seeing a slight increase in the number of graduates coming on the market. 现在毕业生进入劳动力市场的人数稍微有所上升

  Opt out of the workforce and instead study longer 不选择找工作而选择继续深造

  Urge young people to explore apprenticeship and vocational training as a way of getting a job rather than higher education. 呼吁年轻人去寻求学徒或者职业培训来帮助找工作,而不是继续深造。

  Career advisers 职业顾问

  Put on too much weight on one pathway at the expense of another 太重视一种方法而忽略了另一种方式


  Be shrouded in secrecy 没有被大家熟知

  Break new ground 开拓新的领域

  The advent of sth.…的到来

  Supersede/ supplant sth. 取代

  Welcome sth. with open arms 热情的迎接

  Cloud computing 云计算技术

  A hard-won discovery 难得的发现

  Identity theft 盗用用户名

  e-mail spamming 垃圾邮件

  a high-tech gizmo 体积小巧的高科技产品

  mass production 大规模生产

  set priorities 分清主次

  bring liberation from sth. 使某人不再受…的束缚

  boost crop yield 提高农作物的产量

  it is conceivable that… 可以想见的是…

  realise the untapped potential of… 发挥某事物尚未发挥出的`潜力

  some scientific evidence has emerged to the contrary 有些科学成果已经证明…



  Play a regulatory role 发挥监管者的作用

  Regulate and oversee 监管

  Impose a ban on sth 禁止

  Impose a burden on sb/sth 给某人或某事造成负担

  Abolish 废除

  Should implement sth 应该实施

  High on the government’s agenda 某事是政府的重要任务

  Place a high priority on sth 正确设定首要的任务

  Translate sth into action 将某种想法或计划付诸行动

  Take draconian/stringent measure to… 采取严厉的措施去做某事

  Government’s laxity in sth. 政府对某事物管理上的松懈态度

  Counteract sth 应对某事

  Counter measures 对策

  A recurring problem 持续出现的问题

  An enduring solution 持久有效的解决方案

  Someone would be well-advised to… 某人做某事是明智的

  Formulate policies, plans, strategies 制定政策,计划,策略

  Have a monopoly over sth 对某事物占有垄断地位

  Safeguard our security 确保我们的安全

  Arms race 国家间的军备竞赛

  Budget deficit 预算赤字

  Relieve tax burden 减少税务负担

  Subsidise sth 政府补贴

  Allocate money to sth 拨款给

  Underprivileged 弱势群体的

  Charitable organisations 慈善组织

  Insurance premium 保险费

  A chronic problem 持续存在的问题

  Enhance relations between countries 改善国家关系


  “The memory of the world”: British attempts to save endangered

  Middle Eastern artefacts

  How much history did Isis burn in Mosul’s central library earlier this year? It

  seems grimly appropriate that it is difficult to find evidence to verify the worst

  estimates of 1,500 manuscripts and 100,000 books destroyed.

  We are perhaps more used to states marking their territory by taking custody

  of the archives of weaker powers, even when that, in effect, amounts to kidnap

  (带插入语的句子;to amount to 无异于…). The British Library has material

  from all over the world collected during the days of empire; by 1979, however,

  Philip Larkin, a librarian as well as a poet, was trying to stop the flow of

  British literary manuscripts to the US.

  Taking custody isn’t always a protective measure. Israel holds 6,000

  Palestinian books and manuscripts collected from western Jerusalem after its

  victory in the 1948 war, but destroyed 24,000 it considered irrelevant or


  According to the book From Dust to Digital, edited by Maja Kominko and

  published in February to mark the tenth anniversary of the British Library’s

  Endangered Archives Programme (EAP), we now live in a “post-custodial”

  age. The programme removes nothing from its original location, so

  communities retain the ability to tell their own histories. Instead, money from

  the charitable Arcadia Fund is used to give grants to help peopledigitise at-risk

  or inaccessible material(博物馆、图书馆、和高科技题材都可能会用到,注意

  动词 digitise 数字化); the scanned images then go to the nearest possible

  institution and on to the Endangered Archives website (eap.bl.uk). The 19thcentury

  copy of an Islamic poem printed above is one of “four million

  individual windows into the human past” gathered over the past decade: a

  photoshopping together of two of the 87,658 individual photographs of

  manuscripts taken in the library of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

  If the numbers are difficult to comprehend, so is the history they reflect(so

  引导的倒装句,简介地表示也…). Because the origins of Judaism, Christianity and Islam overlay it at different angles, the land around the

  library is perhaps the most fought over in the world. In 2000, Ariel Sharon’s