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Chipping 解码BBC地道经典英语口语

时间:2021-07-30 19:13:06 口语 我要投稿

Chipping 解码BBC地道经典英语口语

  Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.

Chipping 解码BBC地道经典英语口语

  Jean: And I’m Jean.

  Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

  Jean: 在我们的Real English地道英语节目中,我们要来学学当今英国最新出现的一些新词汇和新说法。Now Helen,今天我们要学的`新词是什么呢?

  Helen: Today’s expression is ‘chipping’ – C.H.I.P.P.I.N.G. – chipping.

  Jean: Chipping. 给我们讲讲它的意思好吗?

  Helen: Well, chipping is something you do to a game console, like a Playstation.

  Jean: 我想你说的chipping 是和Playstation这样的电子游戏机有关系,对吗?不过chipping到底是什么意思呢?

  Helen: Well, game consoles are usually protected. They only play games from certain regions. For example, a Chinese console only plays games from China, and the same with a UK one. Chipping means altering them to play games from all regions.

  Jean: 这么说,chipping就是给电子游戏机解除它的地域限制,解码的意思。

  Helen: Yes. But chipping is now illegal in many countries, and you can get into big trouble if you do it.


  A: I hear John has been in trouble with the police.

  B: Yes, he was arrested for chipping game consoles. He had to pay a 500 fine!

  Jean: Is chipping in the UK common?

  Helen: Yes. I think it’s quite common, but the police are trying to catch people who are chipping their game consoles.

  Jean: So chipping is illegal.

  Helen: Yes, chipping is a crime.

  Jean: 好了,让我们回顾一下,chipping就是给电子游戏机解除它的地域限制,解码的意思,And that’s all we have time for today.

  Helen: Yes, that’s all. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. See you next time.

  Jean: Bye.

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