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  小学三年级英语月考试卷 1



  2. are

  3. Good morning,class.

  4 .Hello!

  5. Are you Su Hai?

  6. I’m Yang Ling.

  7. I’m = I am

  8. No,I’m not.


  ( ) 1、Good morning,Miss Li. A.Yes,I am..

  ( ) 2、Hello, Mike. B.Hi,Helen.

  ( ) 3、Are you Miss Li? C.Goodbye,Miss Li.

  ( ) 4、Goodbye,class. D.Good morning,class.

  ( ) 5、Hi, I’m Helen. E.Hello.


  ( )1.--Goodbye,Liu Tao.


  A.Good morning,Liu Tao. B.Good afternoon,Liu Tao. C.Goodbye.

  ( ) 2.--Are you Wang Bing?

  --_____,I’ m not.

  A.Yes B no C.No

  ( ) 3.--Are you Mike?


  A.I’m B.I’m not. C.I am

  ( )4.--Hello,Mike.


  A.Good morning,Mike. B.Hello,I’m Wang Bing. C.Hello,Wang Bing.

  ( )5.—Hello,I’m Su Hai.

  --Hello ,______________.

  A.Su Yang B.Su Hai C.Wang Bing.

  ( )6.当你向新同学介绍自己是迈克时,可以说:

  A.Hello,Mike. B. Hello, I’m Mike.

  ( )7.下午老师上课时,可以说:

  A.Good morning , class. B. Good afternoon,class.

  ( )8.当早晨你见到老师时,可以说:

  A.Good afternoon,Mike. B. Good morning, Miss Li.

  ( )9.早上遇见王兵,你可以说:

  A Hello, Wang Bing B.Hello,I’m Wang Bing

  ( )10.你想知道对方是不是苏海,可以问:

  A.Are you Su Hai? B.Hello,Su Hai.


  1.Good morning. 2.Hello!Are you Liu Tao?

  3.Good morning,Liu Tao. 4.Yes,I am.


  小学三年级英语月考试卷 2


  P G r T f  O h K L q



  三、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(4分)( )

  ( )1、A、car B、plane C、crayon

  ( )2、A、rabbit B、red C、bear

  ( )3、A、seven B、milk C、eight

  ( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon


  1、Here you are . Thank you .____________________。

  2、I like hot dogs. ____________________________________。

  3、Can I have some milk ?________________________

  4、Happy Birthday to you !____________________________!

  5、How are you ? Fine, Thank you .____________________。

  6、ow old are you ?__________________________________?

  五、读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语连线。 (6分)

  1、What’s your name ? A、4.

  2、May I have a look ? B、My name’s John .

  3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

  4、Thank you . D、I’m from China .

  5、How many balloons? E、Nice to meet you , too .

  6、Where are you from ? F、Sure ,Here you are .


  ①three ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven

  ⑥two ⑦eight ⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five

  ( )→( ) →( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )


  ( )1、当你想知道朋友的年龄时,应该问________________

  A.How are you ? B. How old are you ?

  ( )2、当你过生日时,接受了别人的礼物后应该说__________

  A.Thank you . B.Happy birthday!

  ( )3、当你向朋友介绍自己的妈妈时,应该说___________

  A.She is my mom . B.This is my mom.

  ( )4. 你喜欢果汁,你会说:

  A. I like juice. B. I like rice. C. I like hamburgers.

  ( )5. 递给别人东西时,你会说:

  A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. OK!

  ( )6.---Good afternoon, Zhangpeng.---

  A. Good afternoon. B. How are you? John. C. Good morning,

  ( )7.---Happy birthday! ---

  A. Happy birthday! B. Good. C. Thank you.

  ( )8.--- Nice to meet you, Bai Ling.---

  A. Good afternoon. B. Nice to meet you,too. C. How are you?

  ( )9.--- What’s your name?---

  A. My name’s Mike. B. How are you? John.C. Good morning,

  ( )10.--- How are you?---

  A. I’m fine, B. I’m John. C.Great.

  ( )11.---I’d like some cakes ? ---

  A. Thank you . B. Sure.Here you are . C.No, thank you .

  ( )12、早上见到老师,你要问好,你应说 。

  A.Hello. B.Good morning. C.Goodbye.

  ( ) 13、你们班里来了一位新同学,你想知道对方的名字,怎么问?

  A. How are you? B.Bye-bye. C.Whats your name?

  ( )14.当你想了解对方的身体状况时,怎么说:

  A.How are you? B.Bye-bye.C.Whats your name?

  ( )15.当你和别人道别时,你们要说:

  A.How are you? B.Goodbye. C.Whats your name?

  ( )16.当别人问你的名字时,你应该怎么回答?

  A.Hello. B.Good morning. C.Im Xiao Wei.

  ( )17.下列选项中哪个是“学校”的意思?:

  A.school. B.funny. C.green.

  ( )18、请你给我些面包,可以说:

  A.Id like some bread,please. B.Its an orange.

  C. Id like some milk,please.

  ( )19、下列哪个选项是“铅笔盒”?

  A、pencil B、pen C、pencil box

  ( )20、Can I have some water,please?正确回答是:

  A、Here you are. B、I like it. C、thanks

  ( )21、“把它涂成棕色吧!”正确句子是:

  A、Colour it black! B、Colour it brown! C、Colour it orange!

  ( )22.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: ______

  A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad.

  C.He is my dad.

  ( )23.当别人说Nice to meet you.你应该回答:_____

  A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you to. C. Youre welcome!

  ( )24.当别人向你说“Thank you!”时,你应说:

  A. Nice to meet you! B. Good morning! C.You’re welcome!

  ( )25.当弟弟说“我饿了”时,你应说:

  A. What’s your name? B. Who are you?

  C. Have some bread.

  ( )26.当别人对你说“How are you?”时,你应说:

  A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Very well, thanks.

  ( )27.当你询问对方的名字时,你应说:

  A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. How do you do?

  ( )28.当有人向你说“Let’s make a puppet!”,你应回答:

  A. Great! B.Thank you! C. Goodbye!


  ( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________

  A、How are you ? B、Good morning ! C、Hello !

  ( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的`姓名___________________

  A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ?

  C、My name’s Chen Jie .

  ( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________________

  A、Hello! I’m John . B、Hi! John . C、This is John .

  ( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说______________________

  A、Hello! B、Good morning ! C、See you .

  ( )5、有人对你说What’s your name ?如果你是Li Ming , 应该回答____

  A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming . C、This is Li Ming .

  ( )6.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: ______

  A.Good morning. B.How are you? C.Happy Teachers Day!

  ( )7.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: ______

  A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad.

  ( )8. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______

  A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Youre welcome!

  ( )9.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________

  A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!

  ( )10. 当问别人岁数时,应该说:________

  A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks

  ( )11. 当别人向你说“Thank you!”时,你应说:

  A. Nice to meet you! B. Good morning! C.You’re welcome!

  ( )12. 当你想询问对方多的年龄时,你应说:

  A. What’s your name? B. Who are you? C. How old are you?

  ( )13. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:

  A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You’re welcome!

  ( )14. 当你请对方吃苹果时,你应说:

  A. Have an apple, please .B. Can I have an apple?

  C. The apple is red.

  ( )15. 在下午向人问好时,你应说:

  A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Where are you?

  ( )16. 当别人对你说“How are you?”时,你应说:

  A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you.

  C. I’m fine, thank you.

  ( )17. 当你询问对方的名字时,你应说:

  A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. How do you do?( )18. 当别人对你说“Where is your nose””,你应说:

  A. Here it is! B. My nose is red. C. I have a nose.

  ( )19. 当你想看别人的书时,你应说:

  A. Where is your book?B. May I look at your book?

  C. The book is nice.

  ( )20.当别人对你说“Good bye!”时,你应说:

  A. See you! B. Morning! C. Thank you!


  ( )1. school A. 学校 B. 尺子 C. 橡皮

  ( )2. mouth A. 鼻子 B. 手指 C. 嘴

  ( )3. blue A. 蓝色的 B. 白色的 C. 粉红色的

  ( )4. rabbit A. 鸭 B. 猪 C. 兔子

  ( )5. bread A. 蛋糕 B. 热狗 C. 面包

  ( )6. three A. 四 B. 三 C. 五

  ( )7. ten A. 十 B. 八 C. 六

  ( )8. juice A. 果汁 B. 牛奶 C. 水

  ( )9. elephant A. 鸟 B. 大象 C. 猴子

  ( )10.red A.红色的 B. 绿色的 C. 橙色的


  ( )Here you are.

  ( ) You’re welcome.

  ( )Thank you.

  ( )Can I have some water, please?


  ( ) 1. A. tiger B. milk C. bird D. bear

  ( ) 2. A. red B. brown C. head D. orange

  ( ) 3. A. green B. yellow C. white D.water

  ( ) 4. A. animal B. dog C. monkey D. bear

  ( ) 5. A. crayon B. eraser C. pencil D. brown

  ( ) 6. A.arm B.leg C. fish D. eye

  ( ) 7. A.cat B.egg C.jujce D.rice


  ( )1. How are you?

  ( ) 2. Lets go to school!

  ( ) 3. Whats this?

  ( ) 4. Thanks

  ( ) 5. Can I have some milk?


  John : I like hot dogs.

  Amy: I like French fries .

  Mom: OK!Here you are .Hot dogs and French fries .

  John,Amy: Thank you .

  Amy: I like bread .

  John: Me too.

  Mom: OK! Have some bread.

  John,Amy: Thank you .Mom.

  Mom: You’re welcome.

  ( )1、Amy likes hot dogs.

  ( )2、John likes bread .

  ( )3、They don’t like French fries.

  ( )4、They have some bread .

  ( )5、Mom likes chicken

  小学三年级英语月考试卷 3


  1.( )A. CcB. IiC. DdD. Vv

  2.( )A. FfB. KkC. YyD. Aa

  3.( )A. OoB. LlC. SsD. Nn

  4.( )A. HhB. QqC. UuD. X x

  5.( )A. EeB. PpC. MmD. Rr


  Miss White: Let’s clean the classroom. Please ( 擦黑板),

  ( 扫地) and ( 挂上图片).

  Mike: Sarah! ( 请开门).

  John: Amy! ( 请打开灯).

  A. Please open the door

  B. Please turn on the light

  C. Sweep the floor

  D. Clean the board

  E. Put up the picture


  1. new,my,is,desk,this


  2. day,every,fun,have,we


  3. window,the,let,clean,me


  4. near,door,It’s,the


  5. computer,the,green,is




  1. Where’s my pen?a. Many books.

  2. Let’s clean the window.b. Oh, it’s nice.

  3. What’s in the desk?c. It’s in your pencil-case.

  4. Thank you.d. All right.

  5. Look at the picture.e. You are welcome.


  A clock

  This is a clock. It’s on the wall of my room. Maybe you don’t know it. Now let me tell you something about it. It has two hands. One is long, the other is short. The long hand is minute hand and there are 60 minutes in an hour. The short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 hours in a day.

  What time is it now? It’s two o’clock. I must do my homework now. Goodbye!

  ( ) 1. The clock is on the wall of my room.

  ( ) 2. The long hand is the hour hand.

  ( ) 3. There are 60 hours in a day.

  ( ) 4. There are 1440 minutes in a day.

  ( ) 5. You may know the time from the clock.










