英语短语 百文网手机站


时间:2022-12-27 09:01:19 英语短语 我要投稿
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  1. a bit of 一点儿

  【例句】I still have a bit of tea left.我还剩下一点茶。

  2. a couple of 两个,几个

  【例句】In a couple of days,Mary will be back from home.再过几天,玛丽就要从家里回来了。

  3. a kind of 一种,一类

  【例句】We saw a kind of birds that we had never seen before.我们看到了一种先前从来没有见过的鸟。

  4. a lot of(lots of)许多

  【例句】We still have a lot of(lots of)time.我们还有很多时间。

  5. a pair of 一双,一副

  【例句】I prefer to use a pair of chopsticks.我更喜欢用一双筷子。

  6. a piece of 一块(张,片,件)

  【例句】I cut a piece of pork to feed the dog.我切了一片猪肉喂狗。

  7. according to 按照,根据

  【例句】According to what he told me on the phone, he will be here very soon.根据他电话里告诉我的,他马上就该到这儿了。

  8. add…to… 加上

  【例句】I’ll add thissentence to my article.我要把这一个句子加到我的文章里。

  9. after all 终究,毕竟

  【例句】You shouldn’t have spoken to her like that. After all, she is your mother,你不应该那样对她说话,毕竟她是你妈妈。

  10. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

  【例句】What he did does not agree with what he said.他做的与说的不一致。

  11. all day (long)整天

  【例句】It rained all day long.下了一整天雨。

  12. all right行了,好吧,(病)好了

  【例句】Are you all right?你没事吧?

  13. all the way一路上

  【例句】We laughed andjumped all the way to the school.我们上学路上一路欢笑蹦跳。

  14. and so on等等

  【例句】We ate some fish,pork, vegetable and so on.我们吃了些鱼、猪肉、蔬菜等等。

  15. all over 到处

  【例句】He has travelled allover the world.他游遍了全世界。

  16. apologize to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉

  【例句】I apologized to our English teacher for being late.我因为迟到而向英语老师道了歉。

  17. arrive at / in 到达(某地)

  【例句1】The train will arrive at Shanghai Railway Station soon.火车很快就将抵达上海火车站。

  【例句2】We arrived in New Yorkalmost two hours later than we had planned.我们比原计划大约晚了两小时到达纽约。

  18. as…as 像……一样,如同

  【例句1】My room is as clean and tidy as yours.我的房间与你的房间一样干净整洁。

  【例句2】He runs as fast as a horse.他跑得像骏马一样快。

  19. as soon as 一……就

  【例句】I’ll come over as soon as I finish this work.我一完成这项工作就过来。

  20. as well 也,又

  【例句1】I grow rice and vegetables as well.我种植水稻以及蔬菜。

  【例句2】I grow rice as well as vegetables.我种植水稻以及蔬菜。

  21. ask…for 请求,寻求

  【例句】He asked me forhelp.他向我求助。(他问我为了帮助。)

  22. at breakfast / lunch / supper 早/午/晚餐时

  【例句】I’ll talk to him at supper.我会在吃晚饭时跟他谈谈。

  23. at first/last 起先,开始的时候//最后,终于

  【例句1】At first, I didn’t understand a single English word, but I gradually learned to talk to others.刚开始的时候,我一个英语单词都不懂,但逐渐也就学会了跟他人交流了。

  【例句2】At first, he was very friendly to me, but now he doesn’t even speakto me.起先,他对我很是友好,但现在都不跟我说话了。

  24. at home 在家(里)

  【例句】I never smoke at home.我在家里从来不吸烟。

  25. at last 最后,终于

  【例句】At last, Iunderstood what he meant to say.最后,我终于弄懂了他想说的意思。

  26. at least 至少

  【例句】She may be poor, butat least she is honest.她穷是穷,但至少她很诚实。

  27. at most 至多,最多

  【例句】At most I canremember 50 new words an hour.我最多一小时能够记住50个新单词。

  28. at once 立刻,马上

  【例句】He called for help and I went out at once.他打电话求助,我马上就出去了。

  29. at present 现在,目前

  【例句】I’m afraid I can’t give you any help at present.恐怕我眼下还无法给你任何帮助。

  30. at school在学校,在上课

  【例句】My son is at school.我儿子在上课。

  31. at the end of 在……底

  【例句】I thanked the audience again at the end of my speech.演讲完后,我再次感谢了听众。

  32. at the same time 同时

  【例句】You can’t play computer games and go over your lessons at the same time.你不能打着电脑游戏同时又在复习功课。

  33. at/on weekends 在周末

  【例句】I usually sleep until lunchtime at weekends.我周末一般都睡到午饭时间。

  34. at work 在工作

  【例句1】My husband is at work, my son is at school, and I’m all alone at home.我丈夫在上班,儿子在上学,而我独自一个人在家里。

  35. be able to能够(有能力)

  【例句】I am able to do it myself.我自己能做得了。

  36. based on 以……为根据,以……为基础,根据

  【例句】Based on what you just said, you will not return my money?根据你刚刚说的,你不会还我的钱了?

  37. be afraid of 害怕

  【例句】I’m afraid of snakes.我怕蛇。

  38. be angry with sb. 生某人的气

  【例句】I was really angry with Bob when he spoke to me like that.鲍勃那样对我说话,我真的很生他的气。

  39. be bad for 有害于

  【例句】Eating too much meat is bad for/to your health.吃太多肉对你的身体有害。

  40. be born 出生于

  【例句】When our new baby is born, we’ll name it Bill or Jenny.我们新的小宝宝出生后,我们要叫它比尔或这珍妮。

  41. be busy with/doing sth.忙于做某事

  【例句】I have been busy with this work the whole morning.我一个早上都在忙活这项工作。

  42. be careful with 小心

  【例句】You must be careful with this knife.你要小心这把刀。

  43. be connected to/with 与……连接在一起

  【例句】Britain is connected to Europe by the Channel Tunnel.通过海峡隧道,英国得以与欧洲连接了起来。

  44. be covered with 被……覆盖

  【例句】The man’s face was covered with blood.那人的脸上满是血。

  45. be different from 与……不同

  【例句】I’m different fromhim in many ways.我在很多方面与他不同。

  46. be/get familiar to对……熟悉的

  【例句】His name is very familiar to me.他的名字对我来说很熟悉。

  47. be/get familiar with 对…熟悉的,为……所熟悉

  【例句1】I’m not very familiar with Mike.我与迈克不是太熟悉。

  【例句2】We are getting familiar with each other.我们正在变得彼此熟悉起来。

  48. be famous for 以……而著名

  【例句1】Shandong is famous across the world for Mt. Tai.山东因为泰山而闻名全世界。

  【例句2】Jane is famous at school for her great beauty.珍因为是个大美女而闻名全校。

  49. be fond of 爱好

  【例句】The little boy whom you met last time is fond of music.你上次遇到过的那个小男孩爱好音乐。

  50. be full of 充满

  【例句】When I arrived, the square was already full of people.我到达时,广场上已经满是人了。

  51. be good at 擅长于

  【例句】Mary is good at singing and dancing.玛丽能歌善舞。

  52. b poor at 在某方面比较差

  【例句】I’m poor at swimming, but I’m very good at skiing.我不擅长游泳,但擅长滑雪。

  53. be interested in 对……感兴趣

  【例句】I’m simply not interested in this subject.我对这门课就是不感兴趣。

  54. be keen on 喜爱

  【例句】I’m not very keen on tennis.我对网球不是非常热衷。

  55. be late for ……迟到

  【例句】He is often late for class.他经常上课迟到。

  56. be located (in/on/at) 位于

  【例句】Mt. Tai is located in the middle of Shandong.泰山位于山东中部。

  57. be made from 由……制成

  【例句】Wine is made fromgrapes.葡萄酒是从葡萄制造出来的。

  58. be made of 由……制成

  【例句】These desks are made of wood.这些课桌是木头做的。

  59. be made up of 由……组成

  【例句】US is made up of 50 states.美国由50个州组成。

  60. be pleased with 对……满意

  【例句】My wife is very pleased with our new home.我太太对我们的新家很满意。

  61. be proud of 为……而感到自豪

  【例句】You don’t know howmuch I’m proud of you.你不知道我对你感到多么自豪。

  62. be ready for 为……作准备

  【例句】Are you ready for the coming test?你为要来临的考试做好准备了吗?

  63. be responsible for 对……负责任

  【例句】Who is responsible for this accident?谁对这场事故负责?

  64. be satisfied with 对……感到满意

  【例句】I’m really satisfied with my son’s school work.我对儿子的学业真的很满意。

  65. be strict with 对……严格

  【例句】My parents are always very strict with me.我父母对我一直非常严格。

  66. be surprised at 对……感到惊奇

  【例句】I was really surprised at the news.对于这个消息,我深感惊讶。

  67. be thankful to sb. for…因……而对某人很感激

  【例句】I’m really thankful to you for what you have done for me.我真的非常感激你为我所做的一切。

  68. be used to 习惯于

  【例句】I’m not used togetting up early in the morning.我不习惯于早上起床太早。

  69. because of 由于,因为

  【例句】The sports meeting has been put off because of the weather.运动会因天气而推迟。

  70. belong to 属于

  【例句】This island belongs to China.这个岛属于中国的。

  71. both…and…两者都

  【例句】Both Mary and Susan are in Class Two.玛丽和苏珊两人都是二班的。

  72. break into 闯入,破门而入

  【例句】The old couple’s house was broken into last night.昨天夜里,有人破门闯入了那对老夫妻的家里。

  73. by bus/train/plane 乘公共汽车/火车/飞机

  【例句】I go to school by bus every morning.我每天早上乘公交去上学。

  74. by oneself 靠自己,凭自己,亲自

  【例句】I solved the problem all by myself.我完全靠自己解决了那个问题。

  75. by phone打电话

  【例句】We keep in touch with each other by phone.我们彼此通过电话保持联系。

  76. by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下

  【例句】I’ll go to the bookstore. By the way, do you need to buy any books?我要去书店。顺便问一下,你需要买什么书吗?

  77. care for 照顾,喜欢

  【例句1】Who will care for him if his wife dies?如果他妻子去世了,谁来照顾他呢?

  【例句2】I don’t care for eggs.我不太喜欢蛋类。

  78. catch(a)cold着凉,伤风

  【例句】I’m afraid I’ll catch cold in this cold weather.我恐怕在这寒冷的天气里我会感冒的。

  79. catch fire着火

  【例句】The house caught fire last night.这房子昨晚着火了。

  80. change one’s mind 改变主意

  【例句】I won’t change my mind in any case.无论如何我都不会改变自己的主意的。

  81. change sth. from…to…(使)变换,改换,变成

  【例句】She has changed from a little girl to a great beauty.她从一个小姑娘变成一个大美女了。

  82. check in 办理登机,登记(入住等)

  【例句1】The man has just checked in at a small hotel.那人刚刚在一家小宾馆登记入住。

  【例句2】Passeengers are now checking in for flight MU282 to Beijing.乘客正在办理MU282次前往北京的航班的登机手续。

  83. come from来自,出生于

  【例句1】I come from Shanghai.我是上海人。

  【例句2】He came from the airport.他从机场来。

  84. come on 快,走吧,跟我来,得了吧

  【例句1】Come on! Come on!快点!快点!

  【例句2】You are the prettiest girl in our school.—Come on, Jack!你是我们学校里最漂亮的女孩子。--得了吧,杰克!

  85. come to an end 结束

  【例句】The Second World War came to an end in 1945.第二次世界大战于1945年结束。

  86. come true 实现

  【例句】All her dreams have come true.她所有的梦想都成真了。

  87. communicate with 与……交流

  【例句】He doesn’t communicate much with his parents.他与父母交流不多。

  88. compete with 与……竞争

  【例句】I dislike competing with others; I just want to live my own life.我不喜欢与他人竞争。我就是想过自己的生活。

  89. complain about 抱怨,投诉

  【例句】He always complains about his teachers at school.他总是抱怨学校里的老师(不好)。

  90. consist of 由……组成

  【例句】This book consists of three parts.这本书由三部分构成。

  91. cut down 砍倒,削减

  【例句1】I’ll have to cut down these trees to make room for a house.我得砍倒这些树给一座房子让出地方。

  【例句2】The government has cut down its investment in art.政府削减了其在艺术方面的投资。

  92. deal with 处理

  【例句】Let me deal with him.让我来对付他。

  93. department store 百货商店

  【例句】His wife is a shop assistant in a department store.他妻子是一家百货商店里的售货员。

  94. depend on 依靠,依赖

  【例句】I depend on my parents for schooling.我上学靠父母。

  95. die from死于……

  【例句】He died from eating too much fat.他死于吃了太多的肥肉。

  96. die of 因……(病)而死

  【例句1】He died of stomach cancer.他死于肺癌。

  【例句2】These people are dying of hunger.这些人要饿死了。

  97. do harm to 对……有害,损害

  【例句】Eating too much at night does more harm than good to your health.晚上吃太多对你的健康害处多于好处。

  98. do one’s best 尽最大努力

  【例句】I’ll do my best to make sure that my children receive the best education.我要尽我所能保证我的孩子们接受到最好的教育。

  99. do sb. a favour 帮某人忙

  【例句1】Can you do me a favor?—Sure.能帮我个忙吗?--没问题啊。

  【例句2】He has done me a great favour, so I owe him a favor.他帮了我一个大忙,所以我欠他一个人情。

  100. do some shopping 买东西

  【例句】I’ll go downtown to do some shopping at the weekend.我周末要到市区去买些东西。

  101. dream about梦到

  【例句】I dreamed about driving a BMW!我梦到开了一辆宝马轿车!

  102. dream of 梦想

  【例句】My daughter Jane never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.我女儿简做梦都不会想到她会收到来自荷兰的一位与她同龄的女孩子的信。

  103. dress up 穿着打扮

  【例句】All the girls are dressed up for the party.女孩子们都穿着打扮起来参加晚会。

  104. each other相互

  【例句】We helped each other on the way to the village.在去那个村庄的路上我们相互帮助。

  105. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

  【例句】I always encourage my son to speak out his mind.我总是鼓励儿子讲出自己的.想法。

  106. enjoy oneself 过得愉快

  【例句】I really enjoyed myself at the party.我晚会上过得非常开心。

  107. fall asleep 入睡

  【例句】He went to bed and fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.他上床后,头一挨到枕头就睡过去了。

  108. far away from 离……遥远,远离……

  【例句】I’m far away from home and really miss my parents.我远离家,真的很想念父母。

  109. fill in 填充,填写

  【例句】Fill in the form, put it in an envelope and mail it to this address.填写一下这张表,将它装入一个信封,寄到这个地址。

  110. fill out填充,填写

  【例句】Fill out these blanks with proper verbs.用合适的动词填空。

  111. find out 找出,查明,了解

  【例句】Let’s find out what’s going on in the theatre.我们了解一下剧院里在上演什么。

  112. for free 免费

  【例句】These newspapers are given for free.这些报纸是免费发放的。

  113. for the first time 第一次

  【例句1】I met her for the first time last year.我去年首次遇到她。

  114. for the time being 暂时,眼下

  【例句】For the time being, what we need to do is waiting patiently.眼下,我们需要做的就是耐心等待。

  115. from time to time 不时,有时

  【例句】He comes for a visit from time to time.他时不时地来访一次。

  116. from door to door挨家挨户

  【例句】We knocked from door to door.我们挨家挨户敲门。

  117. get along/on with进展,与……相处

  【例句】I get along very well with my roommates.我与室友相处很好。

  118. get into the habit of 养成……的习惯

  【例句】The dog has got into the habit of barking at night.这狗养成了夜里叫唤的习惯。

  119. get back返回

  【例句】We won’t be able to get back till ten o’clock.我们要十点钟才能返回。

  120. get off 下车

  【例句】Passengers are getting off the plane.乘客们正在下飞机。

  121. get on 上车

  【例句】We got on the train and went directly to our seats.我们上了火车,径直到了座位上。

  122. get ready for 为……作准备

  【例句】We need to get everything ready for his coming.我们得为他的到来做好一切准备才是。

  123. get rid of 摆脱

  【例句】I finally got rid of that bad habit of mine.我终于摆脱掉了自己的那个坏习惯。

  124. get tired of 对……感到厌倦

  【例句】I’m getting tired of sitting in the classroom and studying day after day.我越来越不喜欢日复一日地坐在教室里学习了。

  125. get to 到达

  【例句】We got to the village before sunset.我们在日落前到达了那个村庄。

  126. get up 起床

  【例句】I’m not used to getting up early in the morning.我早上不习惯早起床。

  127. give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力

  【例句】This window is so hard to open. Can you give me a hand?这窗户真难打开。能帮我一把吗?

  128. give up 放弃

  【例句】Some habits are hard to give up.一些习惯是很难戒除的。

  129. go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧

  【例句】Can I ask a question?—Go ahead.我能问个问题吗?--问吧。

  130. go for a swim 去游泳

  【例句】It’s so hot today. Let’s go for a swim.今天真热,我们去游个泳吧。

  131. go in for参加,从事于,酷爱

  【例句1】We go in for sports in our free time.我们空余时间里参加体育活动。

  【例句2】She goes in for dancing and yoga.她酷爱舞蹈和瑜伽。

  132. go home回家

  【例句】It’s time to go home.该回家了。

  133. go on 继续

  【例句】Let’s go on with ourwork.我们继续干吧。

  134. go on a diet 实行节食

  【例句】I will go on a diet after the Spring Festival.我春节后就要节食减肥了。

  135. go on a picnic去野餐

  【例句】We’ll go on a picnic at the weekend.我们周末要去野餐。

  136. go on with/doing sth.继续做某事

  【例句】Please go on reading the story.//Please go on with the story.请继续读这个故事。

  137. go out 出去,熄灭

  【例句1】He went out with a friend of his.他跟一位朋友出去了。

  【例句2】At ten o’clock sharp, all the lights in this building went out.在十点整,这座楼里的所有灯都熄灭了。

  138. go over 复习,仔细地再读一遍

  【例句1】I’ll go over my lesson this evening.我今晚要复习功课。

  【例句2】I’ll give you a reply after I go over your report.我仔细读完你的报告后再给你答复。

  139. go shopping 去购物

  【例句】Do you go shopping often?你经常去购物吗?

  140. go sightseeing 去观光

  【例句】I’ll go sightseeing in the valley with my family.我要跟家人一起到山谷中看风景。

  141. go to bed就寝

  【例句】Tom, it’s time to go to bed.汤姆,该睡觉了。

  142. go wrong 出错

  【例句】Something has gone wrong with my camera.我的照相机出问题了。

  143. go to college上大学

  【例句】I will go to college next year.我明年要上大学了。

  144. go to (the) hospital去医院(看病)

  【例句】You need to go to the hospital to see a doctor.你需要去医院看医生。

  145. go to school上学

  【例句】I go to school Monday through Friday.我周一至周五上学。

  146. go to sleep入睡

  【例句】I couldn’t go to sleep last night.我昨晚睡不着。

  147. go to the cinema/movie(s)去看电影

  【例句】I seldom go to the cinema.我很少去看电影。

  148. grow up 成年,长大

  【例句】What will you be when you grow up?你长大后要成为什么呢?

  149. had better 最好还是,还是……好

  【例句】You’d better follow her advice.你最好听从她的建议。

  150. hand in 上交

  【例句】Who failed to hand in his or her homework yesterday?昨天谁没有交作业?

  151. hand out 分发

  【例句】Mary, please help me hand out these books.玛丽,请帮我分发一下这些书。

  152. happen to do 碰巧做

  【例句】When he arrived in Germany, I happened to be there.他到达德国时我碰巧也在那儿。

  153. happen to sb.发生到某人身上

  【例句】It just happened to this family.那事就发生到这个家庭身上了。

  154. have a good time 玩得很愉快,过得很偷快

  【例句】Did you have a good time while you were in Amercia?你在美国过得愉快吗?

  155. have a class/lesson上课

  【例句】We have an English class/lesson every other day.我们每隔一天有一节英语课。

  156. have no idea 不清楚

  【例句】I have no idea when he will be here.我不知道他什么时候到这来。

  157. have pity on sb. 怜悯某人

  【例句】God, have pity on me!上帝啊,可怜可怜我吧!

  158. have breakfast吃早餐

  【例句】I have breakfast at7:00.我七点钟吃早餐。

  159. have sports进行体育活动

  【例句】We have sports from 4:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon.我们下午4至5点间进行体育活动。

  160. have (got) to不得不

  【例句】I’m afraid I have got to go.恐怕我得走了。

  161. hear from 收到……来信

  【例句】I hear from her from time to time.我时不时地收到她的来信。

  162. hear of 听说

  【例句】I heard of the news from Mary.我从玛丽那里听说的这消息。

  163. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

  【例句】I often help my mom clean the house.我经常帮妈妈搞卫生。

  164. here and there 到处

  【例句】Cars are parked here and there in the park.公园里到处是停放的车辆。

  165. hold a meeting举行会议

  【例句】We’ll hold a classmeeting tomorrow afternoon.我们明天下午举行一个班会。

  166. hold on 等一等(别挂电话)

  【例句】Hold on for a moment.别挂断电话。

  167. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

  【例句】When that terrible smell was blown into our classroom, we all held our breath.当那可怕的味道被吹进我们教室时,我们都屏住了呼吸。

  168. huge amounts of 大量的

  【例句】They have made huge amounts of money by selling seafood.他们卖海鲜赚翻了。

  169. in a hurry 匆忙

  【例句】He is coming along in a hurry.他正匆忙赶来。

  170. in a minute 一会儿

  【例句】He’ll be here in a minute.他一会儿就到。

  171. in addition 另外

  【例句1】In addition, I need a new English-Chinese dictionary.另外,我需要一本新英汉词典。

  【例句2】In addition to that, Mary will be joining us.此外,玛丽也将加入进来。

  172. in all 总共

  【例句】There are 40 students in all in our class.我们班总共40名学生。

  173. all in all总之

  【例句】All in all, we need money.总之,我们需要钱。

  174. in charge of 主管,负责

  【例句】Mr. Smith is in charge of this office.史密斯先生负责这个办公室。

  175. in class在课上

  【例句】Nobody is allowed to eat food in class.在课上谁也不许吃东西。

  176. in danger 处于危险中

  【例句】Great pandas are in danger.大熊猫处境危险。

  177. in fact 事实上,实际上

  【例句】He is in fact a police officer.他事实上是位警官。

  178. in English用英语

  【例句】Can you say“熊猫”in English?你会用英语说熊猫吗?

  179. in favour of 赞成,赞同

  【例句】I’m in favour of Free Trade.我赞成自由贸易。

  180. in front of 在……前面

  【例句】The boy is standing in front of the car.那男孩正站在轿车前面。


  1. abide by忠于;遵守。

  2. be absent from. 缺席,不在

  3. absence or mind 心不在焉

  4. absorb吸引的注意力:be absorbed in 全神贯注于近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

  5. abundant in 富于,富有

  6. access 能接近,进入,了解

  7. by accident偶然地,意外. Without accident 安全 地,

  8. of ones own accord自愿地 ,主动地

  9. in accord with 与一致 . out of ones accord with 同.不一致

  10. with one accord 一致地

  11. in accordance with 依照,根据

  12. on ones own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) 自行负责 3)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of account 有..重要性.

  13. takeinto account把...考虑进去

  14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释

  15. account for 解释, 说明.

  16. on account of 由于,因为.

  17. on no account绝不要,无论如何不要

  18. accuseof 指控,控告

  19. be accustomed to 习惯于.

  20. be acquainted with 了解; 熟悉









