

时间:2022-04-06 09:14:34 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




  家规英语作文 篇1

  Let me tell you a secret. My family has a funny story recently.

  It was last Saturday, my cousin come to my house to play, she just wanted to "power", in order to let these "detained" into a bow, she has run out of 36, it's not, she has come up with a new tricks to again.

  "Everybody listen, the family meeting is now officially started!" The cousin's clumsy move to a stool, and find a folding fan, standing on the stool to learn the appearance of the host to chair the unreal "family conference". "As the saying goes," no rules, no boundaries. There is no rule, there is no interest; A family, no house rules, natural this home will be a mess, as a result, as the offspring of liang's - an issue, in order to render to Liang Guxian a, made a house rules, family members have to abide by it."

  My sister cleared her throat, took out a piece of paper from her pocket, and read it on the blackboard. Only family members? You must speak putonghua, and the violators will wash the dishes once. Two: the family member at any time prohibit to say dirty words, do not allow without cause tear, prohibit to be disorderly to lose temper, the offender is to be punished to drag ground once. 3: any room should be kept clean and tidy. If a room is not tidy, it must be cleaned in 24 hours. 4: any member must go to bed before 22:00 on Sunday to Thursday, and the violator shall not touch the computer for a week. 5: when any member enters the room, the shoes must be set, and the offenders will be ordered to wash the bowls five times in a row. 6: no one should watch TV for more than 2 hours, and the offender will be punished with three days' health. The above six rules, please the members of the liang family to bear in mind, do not violate, and each member should supervise each other, must not cover each other. The sister seemed to have a great deal of talk, and at last she put the piece of paper on the door, and went back to her stool, and declared, "this is the end of the family meeting!" He walked off the stool.

  In fact, we all understand that the family rules of the younger sister, we still do, but the younger sister herself, I'm afraid... As expected, we did not know that, after the sister announced the family rules for three minutes and twenty eight seconds, the sister could not restrain herself, violated the first of the family rules. It is so that when my sister was watching TV, my mother told her to go back to her room to do her homework. She didn't pay attention to it, so she used our local words to reply: "xiao li, I must say a word of nine, don't yell!" Then, the "unfortunate" sister was given the rules of her own to harm, so she had to wash the bowl, but she washed the bowl who dare to use it! Then, five minutes and thirty-four seconds after her punishment, she violated the second rule. The younger sister is reading, because the story end is not good, mutter a sentence: "true his mother disappointing!" The result was a drag.

  One day, the poor sister had been ruined by her own rules. You say, is this an interesting thing?

  家规英语作文 篇2

  Domestic wind and family rules can have a lot of, and my home rule has 11 words, that is: do careful, attentive, careful, do not give up.

  Why do you order this family rule? I have to say it from a very young age. When I was young, I was easily attracted to other things because I was not sensible. Once, I went to my grandmother's house with my mother and my sister. There were so many interesting things in my grandmother's house. As soon as I entered, I saw a box of beautiful building blocks and ran to play. When I was halfway there, I saw my sister playing with the ball, and the ball bounced and I fell in love with it. So I put down the building blocks and played the ball. However, I played and saw my cousin's beautiful leaf stickers, I was very curious. So, I threw the ball again, found a large leaf, began to make leaf stickers. But it wasn't long before I gave up, because I was so bad. Later, I didn't want to play any more, sitting on the ground and staring.

  At that moment, my mother came over and saw the mess of leaf stickers, the ball rolling to the corner, and half of the building blocks, and asked me, "how come you didn't do anything right? You watch your sister shoot the ball, and have created a new record of 200 minutes! Look at my cousin's leaf stickers, how beautiful they are! How about you?" I said feebly: "I've done a lot, but I can't do it well." The mother smiled and said, "it is strange that you are so unfocused. Do things carefully, attentively, diligently, do not give up, so that can do well!"

  In the days that followed, I did what my mother told me to do. This sentence slowly became my home rule.

  家规英语作文 篇3

  I was born in a strict family. Living in this family, I gradually developed a good habit of doing things conscientiously and down-to-earth.

  Listen to grandpa, grandpa's father is my grandfather in charge of the family size matters. Once, because of carelessness, almost missed the big event. So, taiye put "work seriously, down-to-earth" all day long in the heart, hanging on the mouth.

  My grandfather didn't go to school for a few days because of his family. But grandpa said that when he went to school, he did very well in exams every time. He was never careless, and his homework was all right. Even his exercise books were not messy. Now grandpa still does this, he always arrange things orderly, do everything to be true. I remember when I was a child, my grandfather made all the clothes, and the needle was neatly arranged, just like her homework when she was a child. Grandpa is such a serious person.

  My mother is an accountant, and my mother always tells me that doing things is like a book, and a decimal point is a thousand miles away. My mother works in the civil affairs department and is busy every day helping those in need. One summer vacation, I went to work with my mother. I found that my mother registered every person who needed help in detail, finishing one and filing one. Mom's filing cabinet is also very neat. Looked at his mother busy figure, feel the others respect for mother's eyes, I also think mom was rated as "advanced worker" advanced individual of "good" is the result of the mother do things seriously, feet on the ground.

  From my mother to education, I have to be honest and methodical, not to be careless. I remember when I was three years old, even though I was raised in my mother's advice, I was still a tiger. One day, my mother cooked noodles for me, my mother just put boiling water in the pot, I watched my mother turn to get matches, I want to smoke some noodles first in the pot. I turned the spoon over. A pot of hot water all over me. What a pain that was, there was no way to describe it! I still have a scar on my neck. Mother said, that is to me to do the rough and rough punishment! I know, my mother said so, her heart must be very painful. But anyway, I can remember my mother every time I hit this scar.

  Now, I am a fourth-grade student in primary school, and I have a deep understanding of the significance of this family rule. I remember that it was a mid-term exam, and I made a bad habit of doing it again. I finished it in the next five years, and handed it in without checking it. Look at the wrong ones. I really regret it. Mom always said that you were the master of the test paper before you handed it in. From then on, I really understand that things really need to have a serious attitude, must be down-to-earth. I want to start from every bit, from every homework I do.

  家规英语作文 篇4

  Every time I go to a friend's house to play, I forget that my mom or dad set the time to go home, and when I have a good time, I will go back very late. The adults were very anxious. So my mother said to me very carefully: "we once set a rule that the same mistake was not made three times, right?" I nodded and assured my mother that the next time I would go home on time.

  Because I am always excited, whether in my study or in my daily life, no matter how many times I repeat the same problem, my mother has no effect. Then the rule of "three" was concluded, and I willingly accepted the agreement that if the same mistake had been made three or three times, I would have allowed my mother or father to punish him properly.

  My old habits have broken down again. On Saturday, when my homework was finished, I went to the qin xiaowan to play with her. My mother told me to go home at six-thirty at the latest, so as not to affect the time of others' meals, I agreed. We had a good time, and her mother invited me over to dinner, and I accepted. After a while, my mother called to ask me to go home, so I had to go back, because it was more than half past seven. When she got home, she was severely criticized by her mother. I know my mistake is not to come home on time, and not only disturb others, but also bring a burden to others. I made up my mind to remember to go home next time.

  The next night, I went to the ningchen family to play, and my mother and I agreed to come home at 7:30, to respect the rest of the family. Ning Chen and I played the CS gun battle on the computer, and I always thought about the appointment time with my mother. There were five minutes to 7:30, and I hastened to say good-bye to ning Chen, and rushed downstairs to go home. When my mother opened the door, she gave me a big hug and praised me for being punctual. This time, my mother not only gave me a kiss, but also rewarded me for an hour of computer time next weekend. I'm so happy!

  The third time, I was not so lucky. After school, I told my mother to go to Chen xinyu's home to take the baby silkworm. My mother agreed and asked me to go home and write my homework as soon as I got it. Along the road, with friends, they walked in absent-mindedly, accidentally bumped into the post, and was laughed at by them all the way. When I got the baby silkworm, Chen xinyu proposed to pick mulberry leaves together. On the way to prove that I would play, we went to the pond and started the game. I threw a small stone at the surface of the water. Everyone envied me. We played with mulberry leaves and played until seven o 'clock. I left my mother's words completely behind my head.

  I was just a knock at the door, my mother is a full face of anger in front of my, swept over my motto for a meal: "you so there is no sense of responsibility to play didn't come back until now, if the accident mother don't contact you, also don't know where to find you, do you know how worried you let the adults? How much time did you waste when you didn't come back to do your homework? But you accept the rule of three? Then come on, stand quietly at the door for three minutes, and think about whether there is something wrong or not, and then give it to me.

  家规英语作文 篇5

  The Chinese have an old saying, "state law, family rules." This sentence fully states the importance of the rule. As it happens, on Friday, the teacher assigned the homework assignment and asked for a home rule with his parents.

  Along the way, I kept pondering these questions over and over: "is there a family rule in my house? What family rules? Haven't I seen any rules? Back at home, after dinner, I pulled my dad to the desk and said the homework assignment. When my father heard it, he wrote on the paper with a pen. He written explanation, I listened attentively, is a side when daddy wrote "respect teachers, I am puzzled to ask dad, :" what is the real respect teachers how to do?" My father looked back and said earnestly, "the teacher is the teacher, the teacher," the teacher said specifically, "two serious, one cannot. Listen to the teacher attentively in class, can not open small difference, do small action, the thought must follow the teacher to go, remember not to interrupt, interrupt the teacher to say. After class, the homework assigned by the teacher should be completed in time, which is the basic expression of respect for the teacher. Long is the elders, for example, holiday everyone together, a meal, grandma on the side you most like to eat "sweet and sour mandarin fish", you can't because you like to eat before go toward a put, one Wolf down, remember, a person selfish for themselves, and think for yourself is no one like you." I nodded as I listened, pretending to understand.

  Dad continued to write. In a short time, I wrote more than ten, a piece of paper, good study, a good life habit, good manners, not to say rude words, do not fight and so on, I look at the side of the bigger. In my mind: why so many rules, eyes look at flowers. It was hard for me to be a good boy.

  After dad finish, said, pointing to one rule: "this is just a section, a summary, there are a lot of the details, the key is what attitude, how to do, once upon a time there have been doing, to do better in the future." "Enn" I hurried to answer the question.

  "No rules, no fangyuan" oh, the family rules have always been there, it has been hidden in my daily study life, but I have never paid attention to it. It contains social morality and morality, which has taught me how to be a person. It seems like a good study.

  家规英语作文 篇6

  "Home has the family rule, the school has the school regulation" is everybody knows a word, but what is the family wind? Family style, simple to say, is a family or family traditional fashion. Family wind is the modern inheritance of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and the splendid culture of the Chinese nation over 5,000 years has nurtured many fine traditions. Good housekeeping rules are the code of conduct for us to be a person, and family style is the foundation of social harmony.

  And some of the rules of my family's rules are a little bit, and one of them is big and unselfish.

  Once, I was playing with my friends, tired, and went home to get the Popsicle. And there was only one Popsicle in the refrigerator, and I didn't take care of it. My father asked me why I took one, and I told him that there was only one left in the fridge. Father after listen to let me put Popsicle back, I was tired and hot, how to put it back, father saw me, busy scold a way: "the Popsicle back into the fridge, you eat popsicles thirst, others?" See father so, I'll have to darling put it back, what can I know the father's good intention, only now understand gradually, have to say, because my father scolded, makes me work when thinking about others, this kind of personality makes me benefit for life.

  Every time I go to a friend's house, I forget my parents' time to go home. When I have a good time, I will go back late and make the adults anxious.

  One night, because of the unit there are things parents go to work overtime, I a person to bear loneliness, then some classmates go out to play, but I didn't tell his parents, his heart this play with classmates go home, but we are together play of happy, and forget the time, it was getting dark, we have no meaning. We didn't go home until one of the parents urged her back. As soon as I got home, I ran into my parents. They asked me where I was. I said I was playing. My mother said to me in a stern voice, "didn't mommy already talk to you about it? Go out to play also want to have time idea, want to go home on time, go to where also want to tell parents, you so let us have how anxious!" I looked down, ashamed, and since then I have been in the habit of going home on time.

  "To go home on time, to say hello to parents" has also become a family rule.

  "Filial piety" is also the family wind of my family, filial piety elders, respect teachers. My parents always tell me: filial piety first! Family style is a motto to keep in mind. With it, we can gain a foothold in the society, so that we can go further! Remember the family wind, lay a solid foundation for your life, step out the firm step, become a pillar of the country!

  家规英语作文 篇7

  As the saying goes, the state law, the family rules, today, we do not say the distant country law, say close - talk about our family rules.

  You know what? There is a family rule in our family "the oldest", that is to eat not to watch TV. One reason is that watching TV while eating very bad digestion of intestines and stomach, another, is a family reunion dinner together, we will use the family sit together to chat, when you eat their account of what is going on that day. For example, I would tell my mom and dad about the happy or unhappy things that happened in my school day, and sometimes we would discuss and analyze one thing at a time. Dad would say what he did in the company. Sometimes, we also can some funny jokes to each other, however, my favorite in mom and dad when chewed a mouthful of rice a disgusting jokes, a see mom that want to vomit expression dad and I am happy.

  Article 2 family rules, whatever is in the home, must be returned to the original position. Where to take something, after using it must be put back in place. There are many times, when I have used it, I will put it in my hand, and when I use it again, I can't find it again. Alas, my dear mother would like to dig our home three feet. My mother said that I must form a good living habit since I was a child. Otherwise, these bad habits will affect my study and work in the future. Although I also understand this truth, but sometimes I will forget, because of this, I am not too little to be scolded by my mother, sometimes hurt my father to follow me.

  Our family's third family rule, forbid father to smoke, if be found by me and mother, can be fined, the first time catch to want to be fined 20 yuan, catch a fine of 40 yuan the second time and so on. Sometimes, my father would smoke a cigarette or two when he was outside, but I could hardly see him smoking at home, and it was clear that he would not let me catch him. But the old horse also stumbles. The cause of the thing is like this, one day, my friends and I played home after shower, I suddenly found a little bit of ash in the bathroom, I'll be off the string arrow rushed to dad, at the same pace as malicious smiled and said to him, "torre, cough it up." At first, my dad said, "I don't smoke. You see the ash." I said, "are you sure?" The father of the smoking heart was afraid to nod, finally, the father obediently paid 20 yuan fine. Hee hee, my family rule not only can control the father's smoking times, but also can let me make a good fortune! I'm so smart! In fact, the most important thing about not letting my father smoke is that smoking is bad for the health, and that people who don't smoke outside and those who don't smoke at home are forced to smoke second-hand smoke.

  We have a lot of family rules like this, which is hard to follow, but it not only makes the family life orderly, but also adds a lot of family fun to us!

  家规英语作文 篇8

  The family is the nursery, the child is the seedling. The wind is like a raindrop, it sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things is silent, the young plants only under the moisture of the rain, the ability to grow healthily. A child can be distinguished only by the influence of good family. Recently, with the word "family wind", I can't help but have a picture of my grandparents education.

  Every time when I was a child, the school before, my grandma always told me a few words: "children, don't to the school and students molars (bozhou proverb refers to quarrel or fight), if someone ling spamming you, come back said to me, I went to your teacher." ! Grandmother afraid of conflict with your classmates at school, I always have something fine "political lesson to me, some classic story, I stop the wide, a large number of education, in school and the teacher and students get along, don't easily conflict with others. Under my grandmother's inculcation, I basically did not have conflicts with my teachers and classmates.

  Grandpa loved to tell me a lot about his military service, and told me, "few young people today can bear hardships. You need to learn to endure hardship, or you can't do great things!" Grandpa also taught me: "to eat bitter, to be the person." As long as we live in an environment where ordinary people can't stand, talent makes real people, and future work and life can be distinguished. Perhaps this is "the sky will be a great man, and so will the people, must first suffer their heart, work their bones, starve their skin... "I thought.

  Now, I have entered high school and become a senior high school student. I have developed a good habit of helping others and making hard and simple things. If you think about it, all these things have to do with the family wind in our family. My grandma still gave me a "political class" before going to school, and grandpa still gave me the traditional virtues of frugality, hard struggle and so on. I'm very happy to hear what they say, because that's what's good about our family.

  I have been thinking, to establish the correct family style, inherit the excellent family rules and family training, is worthy of the promotion of the national culture. Some bad habits in now society has been gradually out of people's field of vision, "positive energy" to transfer, such as plus excellent start-up to create, then our society will be more pure, the other people's life will be more beautiful, the country's future will be more prosperous!

  家规英语作文 篇9

  "The state law, the family has the family rule". The ancient people juxtaposed the "family rule" with the "national law", which fully demonstrated the importance people attach to the family planning.

  In ancient China, there were many famous family rules, such as "rites" and "yan's family training", which had a profound influence on the later generations. The establishment of family rules can not only regulate the behavior of family members, form a good living habit, but also make the family life more orderly and make the family atmosphere more harmonious.

  In my small family, my parents and I also worked out the "peng family rules". They have also played a significant role in my upbringing, and let's share a few of them:

  Rule # 1: do your own thing. This law makes sense. It has made me suffer. When I was a child, when I was just entering the school gate, my parents let me learn to be independent. Dress, wear shoes, and learn to sweep the floor, quality and speed go hand in hand, want to sweep clean and clean. When I am older, I will go to school by myself and go home. These little things are bound by family rules, so I can make them perfect.

  Rule no.3: cultivate frugality and save food waste. My parents grew up with education. I want to save grain. The thought of "grain is hard" has germinated in my heart. I remember a meal at my aunt's house, and at the end of the meal, I laid the bowl gently on the table. All of a sudden, some small, fat little thing came into my eye, and I could see only a few grains of rice that had fallen out of the meal. So I twirled them into my mouth and chewed them with gusto. See my aunt said: "more unhealthy, next time don't do this, now at home have a plenty of rice", I immediately replied firmly, "no, saving is a virtue, we should put it forward".

  Rule no. 5: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. This rule has a great influence on our family. Every time my father gets a job, he always finishes it before he goes home. And I, too, have developed this habit since I was a child, and it is the same with me. If I have not finished my homework, I must finish it and then go back home.

  Family rule 9: family should be harmonious, can not quarrel and scold, there is always some contradiction between people, but these problems will never happen in my family. Don't say big, it is in that area within five miles, my family can be rated as "harmonious family", many people take my family as example. I am very proud of this and feel that there is a capital that no one else has.


  Family rule 527: love the family, give the family. I translated 527 as "my love home". Each family member is required to care for each other, take pride in the family and make their own contribution to the family.

  In general, it's not a square mile. Family rules accompany my growth in life and give me infinite strength and guidance.

  家规英语作文 篇10

  As the saying goes, "the state laws, the family rules. No rules, no boundaries. From small to big, I most often hear this sentence, grandmother in my ear to say this words a thousand times. At first, I thought this sentence was empty, even though my mother began to make me a family rule, I didn't change my mind.

  Until one day, it was a final exam. On the night before the exam, my mother called me to her room and pointed at the family rules and said, "look at this family rule carefully." I looked in the direction of her finger, and there were four big words, "guard against arrogance." I read the four words and looked at my mother with some perplexity.

  The mother said: "abstinence from arrogance, refers to the achievement of some achievements after not proud, not impetuous, continued efforts. Not carefully review, how about you, are you see other people's children constantly buy textbooks, there do topic, and what about you, don't come back to buy materials to calculate, even made the subject of much do before a few times. You really can do well in the mid-term, and you will be able to do well at the end of the term!

  Listening to my mother, I am a little upset, why mother always scold me, think I did not do well? In the end, I passed the exam with this fidgety feeling.

  Finally, when the results came out, I came to the school full of expectation, waiting for the results to be published. But when the transcript was sent to me, I froze, not too bad, but it was a lot worse than the midterm.

  Looking at the hand in my hand as if mocking my report card, my mood is like that cloudy sky, very dull. After I had calmed down a little, I looked at the report card, and I saw four big words "guard against arrogance". I was not proud of some achievements, impetuous. It was only then that I really understood what my mother meant -- to guard against arrogance, to never be discouraged, and to keep things simple.

  The rule of the house, the promotion of the long, the victory is not arrogant, the defeat is not gracious.

  家规英语作文 篇11

  There is a rule that, in the course of the journey of life, it is insignificant, but it gives a person a life's fate, and that is the rule.

  Personal growth needs guidance, and family planning is the direction of guidance. Hu shi, a famous scholar, poet and writer in our country, is a case in point: hu shi's father died when he was young, and his family was in a bad mood at the same time. Hu shi's ultimate success was his mother, feng shundi, who was more of a strict family rule. His mother's family rules were strict with hu shi, urging him to learn and cultivate moral character, which brought about profound influence on his life. It can be said that hu shi's success is inseparable from family rules.

  Mo yan, the name of this great man is no stranger to us. His success also depends on family rules. Mo yan's family is just as bad as hu shi's, but since he was a child, the rules of integrity have been in his mind all the time. When he was a child, mo yan and his mother were in a hurry to sell the cabbage, and in the face of the old lady, mo yan was not in the mood to pay a dime. At the time of mo yan's home, how important cabbage is, how important a dime! However, the mother who discovered the truth still asked him seriously according to the family rules, and returned the cabbage.

  Since grown, mo yan, understand the importance of honesty and trustworthiness, do things to be a disinterested, finally wrote and he himself also excellent literary works, received praise respect of countless people. The importance of family planning is also reflected here.

  Ask, if there is no home rule, does hu shi really do not imitate the eldest brother eldest sister-in-law, finally slide into the abyss of depraved? If there is no home rule, mo yan really will not be wrong, a wrong to the end, to do more evil things?

  Wang anshi's child prodigy fang zhongyong, gifted and intelligent, five years old can not learn but can be poetry. His father, however, was greedy for small profits, and took his son everywhere to visit his guests every day, without creating a learning environment for him. Fang zhongyong finally "the people are all over", isn't it not to get good family rules education?

  At the beginning of the three words: "the beginning of man, the good of nature." People are always kind when they are born, but the atmosphere in the family environment will affect children subtly, so there is a saying that "I don't know what my son looks like".

  Mencius said, "no rules, no boundaries." Therefore, we should understand the importance of family rules, actively abide by the rules and strict requirements. Because the family rules not only allow us to form a useful character, but also promote our growth.

  家规英语作文 篇12

  The ancients cloud: "the state law, the family has the family rule." This shows that in the eyes of the ancients, family rules are as important as law. In front of the school to develop the activity of "my house rules", I think this sentence is in the norms of the time, and when I participate in this meaningful activity, I find it is like spring rain, coming softly, subtly promote my growth, including this article a few:

  God reward those who work hard

  Once upon a time, I came to school and studied passively. My mother saw it and said nothing, and she wrote the word "god's reward" in "my family rules". I felt shame and remorse when I saw it. Yes, as long as diligently study hard, even the god can not bear to let you down! So I began to listen attentively, write my homework, and try to overcome my laziness. Gradually, I found that diligence no longer required me to deliberately control, this has become a habit, became my character.

  Planning to study

  "Mom, why do I work so hard, and my study is not very sharp?" I asked my mother, who did not speak, with an examination paper which did not look good.

  But I saw "planning learning" in "my family rules".

  I've got it! It turns out that my study method is wrong! So I started planning my daily tasks, forcing myself to do things I didn't want to do and would forgive myself. Gradually, my grades began to tip.

  Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

  I have a lot of pressure to study, and I often get butterflies in my stomach before exams. So several tests failed. The head teacher saw in the eyes, in a "my family rule" write: "do not forget the beginner, the square must always." After seeing the line, my eyes were moist. I had to study hard because I thought about the life I like and wish I could be happy. And now I'm always miserable because I'm not confident. Is it really worth it?

  I thought for a long time, and thought of a famous story: an official in ancient times, who had no money, had an ordinary carriage, and all his neighbors borrowed his carriage. Then he became famous, and there was a very expensive carriage, and the neighbors did not borrow from him because they were afraid of getting dirty. When he knew the reason, he smashed the carriage and said, "I bought it for everyone's convenience, but now it is not convenient for everyone.

  I was like the hero of the story, I forgot my first heart, and now I am back. Gradually, I became less and less afraid of the exam.

  The family rules changed me in a subtle way, which promoted me to grow up, and in every solid and steady step of my growth, it has its indelible contribution.

  House rule, promote long!

  家规英语作文 篇13

  As the saying goes, "no rules no square." Our family also made the family rules, so that we can do the routine work and study in the normal practice, to the wind to the night, moistening the effect of silent. Our family held a game about helping others. In this game, we should be willing to help others and be polite, which is not only the two rules of the family rules, but also the premise of participating in the competition.

  The contestants are: my father, mother, I, and the younger brother. The rules of the game are: on the half day, helping others and at the end of helping others, politely ask others to score points on each player's points and sign their names. At the end of the game, the score and the number of people will be counted, the average will be calculated, and the one with the highest average will win the game, and won the title of "living lei feng at home".

  The game began with a whistle. We all ran in different directions at great speed. I just ran to the gate of the community to see aunt wang, two words do not say immediately to help her to grab the things in the hand to carry in the hand, for fear that someone and I rob. She was sent upstairs at a quick speed, and then she smiled and said, "aunt wang, you don't have to thank me. That's what I should do. By the way, here is a form, please sign your name to your face and give me a point to help you carry things for me. Thank you very much!" Looking at aunt wang's face without a hint of smile, she looked so angry that she could not help wondering: why? What's the matter with aunt wang today? But I didn't ask too much, because I was afraid to ask a few more questions, and she would be even less happy, and the score was not as high as mom and dad and their younger brother. But I took the score and looked at it in a single way, how could that be 50 points. I rubbed my eyes again and looked again. Yi? It's true! I stopped to analyze, and when I looked at what I had done again from the perspective of Mrs. Wang, I suddenly felt that way. I didn't ask anyone where I needed help. It was rude to do what I wanted to do. It was a direct violation of the second rule of family rule. Just as I was going downstairs, I met Mr. Li, who is now 80 years old. He was not very good at home, and he happened to have a power failure. Seeing his slow and difficult manner, he asked kindly, "Mr. Li, do you want me to help you upstairs?" Uncle li saw me and smiled. "people are old and useless. Please give me a hand." I helped master li and stepped carefully up the stairs. Until he walked to his door. My heart was very happy and excited, finally arrived, too good, I help another. Master li gave me a score. I took the hand and looked at it, 100 points. Ah! The effort paid off! Time flies, the time has come to the end of the game, although I did not become the first place, but I understood the true meaning of "helping others"!

  I was very impressed by this activity. It was the family rules that made me polite and helpful, and made me understand the joy of helping others.

  家规英语作文 篇14

  Everyone must abide by the rules, my family has rules, three, but three can not be separated from good faith.

  I don't keep good faith, the rules are strict, but I can get away with my mother's eyes, but not long ago I was exposed.

  One afternoon, he asked me to play, and I said yes, but I was going to the supermarket in the afternoon. I think: play next time still can play, but the supermarket is rare to go, I follow mother to go to the supermarket, the half way met the Greek, "yi, you go where ah?" She asked me, "I, I... "I stammered. "She went to play with you! My mother bailed me out. "oh, that's great!" She's gone.

  When I came home in the evening, I walked into the door gracefully. My mother said with a straight face, "you stand well. "I, number one, keep my word... "I memorized. "Well, then, reflect on yourself!" My mother turned and walked away.

  However, "a leopard cannot change its spots." I can't change this. At lunch time, my mother said, "come to my room this afternoon." In the afternoon, I was very worried because suddenly the phone rang and it was Arlene who asked me to play. I changed into my shoes and walked quickly. At sunset, I came home, and my mother said seriously, "you are really a dog. You can't eat shit.

  The next day at noon we went to see the aunt's house for dinner, and my mother asked me to wait for her downstairs, but one minute, two minutes, an hour, all afternoon, my throat was hoarse, and she was nowhere to be seen.

  At about one o 'clock, she smiled back from her cousin's house. "you, you... "I was so angry that my mother scratched her head." oh, I forgot. I'll go to your cousin's house first." I was speechless.

  At night she said, "you know what it's like to be tricked. Maybe you think it's just a joke, but it can be a hoax or even a vision. There used to be a family in front of my family who had been poor for a year. One time his children were tricked, and he thought that the others were looking at him, and he became very self-contemptuous. He could not lift his head when he was forty or fifty.

  Yes, good faith benefits people for a lifetime, but dishonesty makes people lose everything. It even makes people feel inferior.

  家规英语作文 篇15

  "The state law, the family has the family rules", our family certainly can not be exempt from vulgarity, also have some family rules that only my family has.

  Regulations on house rules the first article, is dad drink not too much, look at me like a dad whale belly, just know that he loves to drink, but drink it happened that is not good, drink too much at a time, always vomit, as soon as he comes back then, crying like a child, very childish dad, mom had to such provisions. It's a pity dad accidentally gets drunk. So after work, colleagues often have to talk with him about things, when a colleague is dead!

  And my mother to my rule, is to play BB gun every day, the home certainly can't have BB to drop on the ground, as long as one is found, will be punished by the mother, a twenty dollars. If the situation is serious, too many of them fall, I will be miserable, even the gun will be confiscated, so I have to use a dozen to change powder, so that mother can't.

  Recently, there is another rule, which is that dad can't play with his cell phone on the toilet, or he can't go to the toilet.

  My family's family rules are who stipulate, of course is my mother, she is our house legislator, her picture is law, I and father want to listen to. My family rules are constantly updated, there are new regulations coming out at any time, I should be very careful, otherwise I will be punished, I will be miserable.

  家规英语作文 篇16

  There are many petty rules in my family. For example: don't yell and shout, so as not to disturb the neighbors downstairs; Can't bring food to the room; You can't argue with your brother; You can't talk too long; Choose the right time to play the piano... . One of the easiest things I can do is to "talk too long" and "yell."

  "The bell! The bell! The bell! There was a telephone call in the living room, and I flew out to answer the phone.

  "Hello? What about Yin? Oh? Yeah! Ha... No...... "Alas! I can't help myself. My good friend calls, and I'll talk and talk. "Beep! Oh my god! A look at the clock, I speak from seven thirty to nine, really deserves to be a gossip.

  Suddenly, I heard a rush of footfalls, needless to say, to be cursed again! Sure enough, mom started to say, "don't call your phone so long, you want it! If there's an emergency, someone can't get in, and that's bad."

  Oh, I'm affronted again! Is really of!

  "Ha! Ha ha... "I looked at my brother's new comic book, and it was funny and funny, so I tried my best to make my mother cry," mom! Look at this funny cartoon! Look!"

  Because the sound of the smoke machine was very loud, I repeated it louder than ever. After a while, I heard my mother's footsteps coming from afar. I was trying to introduce this funny cartoon to my mother, but my mother began to say, "what are you doing out loud? Do you want your neighbors to hear it? Mother is not deaf, you don't have to shout! You dare to do this again, you beware! A: wow! The family rule is enough, now add one more, hope not to make again in the future!

  These rules make me uncomfortable. However, if you can love yourself a little, always be aware of yourself, and there will be no constraints.

  家规英语作文 篇17

  Everyone, every family has their own good habits and excellent quality. The most important thing in our family is to be honest. That's the family rule.

  Lu xun said: "honesty is the basis of people". "To be honest, to be faithful," comes from the mouth of the education scholar Confucius. Thus, honesty is really an important quality in life.

  One day, I went out with my sister. My sister carried a big bag, and I walked behind my sister. Suddenly, a piece of yellow sugar fell out of my sister's bag. I picked it up. It's my favorite flavor. I slipped into my pocket without hesitation. When she got home, grandma found the sugar and asked me where the sugar came from. I stammered, "sister... Give it to me." With that, I had butterflies in my stomach. The next day, I told my grandmother the truth, and she said earnestly, "to be an honest child, honesty is the most basic quality. It's a good boy to change your mind." I nodded silently.

  In real life, there is a lot of lack of honesty, such as: merchants sell fake goods, borrow money and do wrong. This kind of behavior hurt others badly, also hurt oneself. Maybe it's because they've come across people who are dishonest and have a tooth for a tooth. But my parents education I: no matter what others do, we start from oneself, to honesty, keep promise, infected people around him with his own behavior, to make life less cheating, more sincere.

  The state law, the family has the family rule, I must remember the family rule, be an honest person!

  家规英语作文 篇18

  There are rules and regulations of the state, and there are rules and regulations in the class.

  "There is no rule. When I was a child, adults used to tell me this in my ear. At that time I was a little, the "house rules" and only a vague impression, only know "home and, for the base, good for for this", until twelve years later, I to have a new understanding of "house rules".

  In my family, I can always hear the greetings from my family. They say "thank you" when they are helped. "I'm sorry" for damaging other people's goods; They smile every day... These are my family rules -- good manners. My father once told me that if a man does not learn to be polite, even if he has a high score, no one wants to make friends with him.

  Surely everyone has heard of kong rong let pear of my story! Kong rong gave up the big pears to his older brother, who was younger than himself, and gave himself only the smallest pear. This is a story I have heard from my childhood, which contains a family rule -- humility. The seat of the bus needs to be modest, and the waiting in line should be more modest... If you do not know how to be modest, you have no heart, no heart, no mind.

  During the Chinese New Year holiday, my parents would visit my grandparents and grandparents with a big package of gifts, and I would cook and cook for them without delay. And I, the younger generation, will help my mother sweep the floor, brush the bowl, help my father rub shoulders, beat on the back. Although it is only a few small things, but also do not reflect the "filial piety" this family rule. My mother told me that people should always have a heart of gratitude, thanks to their parents, and filial piety can best reflect this friendship.

  No matter where you are, no matter where your elders are, their decisions need to be supported, their words need to be heard. Don't look down on anyone, don't flatter anyone, maintain a corresponding attitude towards everyone, respect is the best choice. He will respect himself only if he respects others first. Therefore, my last family rule is respect.

  Courtesy, courtesy, filial piety, respect, these eight words contain infinite power. Not only me and my family, but also all Chinese people in China! If the Chinese can do all four of these words, then even hell will be a paradise.

  家规英语作文 篇19

  In my mind, my home is a small ordinary vegetable garden, and I am a little plant of garden plants, with 13 years of my house rules is the rain showers that moistens the little plants.

  However, in my family rules, I have benefited a lot from the first family rule: the sea is a hundred rivers, and it is inclusive. The wall is in the sky.

  It was a class committee reelection last semester, and when I was preparing, my mind immediately jumped out of the sentence. The original tight heart became relaxed, like the bright mirror is usually enlightened: no matter whether my classmates have voted for me, I should relax the state of mind.

  In the course of my campaign, I turned my enthusiasm for the students into simple eight words: the wall stands on the wall, and no one wants to do it. I hope I can give my heart to my classmates. I see hope and expectation from the eyes of my classmates...

  In the end, I got it, and the campaign was successful. I could not help repeating this sentence. I must give up the so-called hedonic desire, less lustful and selfish. The sea is called big because she has the capacity and capacity to accommodate the hundreds of rivers, and we will learn from the sea that never runs out of tolerance.

  Now, in the face of this short sixteen words, the heart is filled with infinite feeling. During this semester, these sixteen words taught me how to learn, how to be a person and how to do things, and taught me to face everything with an optimistic attitude.

  I don't know what other people think of the rules, but I know the rules are important to me. Discipline is not just a series of arcane or straightforward words, home rule is meaningful, afford for thought education, is mom and dad to me unlimited expectations, but also prompted me to thrive in the dew.

  Friends, in the face of family rules, we need more than just the promise of the mouth, but also our actions. Come on!

  家规英语作文 篇20

  As the saying goes, "no rules, no boundaries." The state law, the family has the family rule. Because of family rules, I grew up a lot.

  "Alas! Don't want to write, good trouble!" "Oh, I don't want to memorize it, it's hard to remember!" This was once my mantra, and the family rules helped me overcome this inertia. Article 3 of the house rules; Your laziness will cause you regret today. I was initially unconcerned, laziness is a human nature, not overcome and not how. However, the beginning of the language examination came. "Please fill out the following sentences, one drum -- and three --." That's it, I thought. The exam seems to be a dead letter to me. It seems like there's a word for it, or else it's just like the memory of it.

  After the exam, I walked on the way home, the cold wind greeted me, the hat was swept away, the exposed ears red. I had just squatted down to pick up my hat, but a gust of wind blew it further. "You damned wind, even you dare, dare, laugh at me, you!" The wind, however, seemed to corrode my words, and to blow them away, and make my clothes sound.

  I suddenly found a vent, unable to restrain, "ao" ground, wailing. I don't remember how I got home, but I've copied the rule fifty times. I put it on the door, let it remind me, and spurred me to realize that laziness means failure, ridicule, and defeat. Since then, I have never missed a famous sentence.

  Family planning has helped me to improve procrastination. Family rule no. 13: efficiency gains success. Before, I always liked to drag things to the end, but later, the family rules made me realize that things need quality and speed. I set a time limit for everything, and there will be a corresponding punishment when the time is not completed. Instead, the efficiency will be rewarded. After a week or so, the efficiency of my work improved significantly.

  Now I am like a building that has not been finished, the foundations are shallow, and the rules of the house, like steel, hold me firmly in place to make the foundation secure. No solid foundation, no matter how high in the luxurious building, in the face of earthquake will collapse in a flash. And I, as long as the control of good housekeeping, practice, to develop good quality and practice people's habits, will be in the present and even future success.

  Practice the family rules, for the sake of your own growth, in order to live up to the expectations of parents, in order to inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, let us act! House rule, promote long!

  家规英语作文 篇21

  As the saying goes, "there is a state law and a family rule".

  Family rules, as the name suggests, are the rules of the family. My family has a lot of rules when eating, elders do not serve the table, the younger generation is absolutely not able to sit down, but also do "eat no words, lie silent". After eating, you can't put your chopsticks in the bowl and put them on the table, which means you have eaten. If there are fish spines and bones on the table, use chopsticks to sweep them into the bowl. These things can't be done until everyone has finished eating.

  There's another rule in my family -- frugality. When I was a child, my grandmother used to say, "the thrifty and the wasteful." This popular truth is deeply engraved in my mind, and it affects me all the time: my pencil is always going to need to be seized; Most of the clothes were worn by my sister; I never spend money on New Year's money. I have developed a good habit of not comparing and wasting, which is due to my family rules.

  My family is the village "five good family", the key is "filial piety". My father is a famous filial son. He is almost obedient to his grandparents. He never makes the old man angry. Even if you are busy with work, give your parents peace. When you come home from work or take a break, you spend most of your time with the elderly. My mother said to me, "when you grow up, you will be as dutiful as your father, and I will be satisfied." My father and mother are my good example, I have the honor to live in such a family, let me enjoy the strong affection. I am determined to be a dutiful daughter.

  Strict family and family rules have provided a good environment for my growth. I love my family.

  家规英语作文 篇22

  My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m.It's strict, but i think it's necessary. And i must finish my homework in time.I can't play puter games.I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.

  家规英语作文 篇23

  There are many rules at my house. I have to get up at six o'clock and be home by 6:30pm.on weekdays. I have to do my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play puter games on school nights. I have to stay at home instead of my friends’ home on school nights . I should clean up my room every morning and we take turns to take out the trush and wash dishes. My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because teenagers should sleep for 8~9 hours . I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,thought it is good for me .I can't do it .I think it is a good way to have a rest . Although I don’t agree with some of the ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.

  家规英语作文 篇24

  My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.

  For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary.

  And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself.

  I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

  Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!

  And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.

  家规英语作文 篇25

  Some time ago on TV have been on the topic of family, said everyone's home to have a family tradition and family. I am according to the news on the subject, to write this essay. Now we are very focused on the home atmosphere, the atmosphere of the scope is big is small, a country wind, also have class, today, this tradition.

  The so-called family is his family atmosphere, family atmosphere is good or not will affect future generations, of a family or clan tradition should be positive, the first is to pay attention to Drake home, home to the rule of virtue. Wind is divided into several, at home to do a thing, do the housework at home, in the home to do things is a good family. Wind is also called the name, is a home or family tradition.

  The rule is very strict, so the rules of the house must strictly abide by the norms of behavior required of a family, usually by a family inherited the education norm descendants criterion. The rule is also called the law, state law, family rules, is that a country has a national law, a family has a family rule, this rule is equivalent to the law of the country. To the family rules, must know how to do anything about the rules.

  Finally, I think a good family rules and everyone should strictly abide by the norms of behavior, also, they comply with the good rules to our students, to justice.

  家规英语作文 篇26

  A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.

  For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , I'm not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I can't join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They don't know I'm intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.

  There is good say "Nothing can be acplished without norms or stand ards,"but though I should study hard .Of course,I'm old enough to make my own decision.

  家规英语作文 篇27

  In order to help me grow healthily, my parents make some family rules. First, we must honest to others. Honesty is the basic character of a person. Second, we should take our responsibilities. My duty is study now, so I must work hard for it. Third, we should be thankful to the life. It will help us to love ourselves and others. My parents always tell me to remember these rules. And I will remember them always.

  家规英语作文 篇28

  The school has a school, a family is often hung in the mouth of a sentence can be asked "what rules is what rules do you have at home a lot of people immediately froze.

  The rules. The rules of every household are different. My family should have eaten the phrase "eat without talking, sleep without words". After eating, you can't put your chopsticks on top of the bowl and put it on the table, which means you have eaten well. If you have fishbone, bones and so on on the table, you should sweep them into the bowl with chopsticks. You can't go through these things until you have finished eating.

  We have a rule - shibuguosan. One after dinner in the park for a walk, because the stool was stepped on, so I pulled out a piece of paper, wipe the stool clean, readily lost. A cleaner came out and said, "Why are you so immature and litter everywhere?". "I hear her say so, my face immediately red.". As I apologized, I ran away to pick it up and throw it into the garbage bin, which calmed the fire of the dustman.

  Family is a family atmosphere, family once ruined the family's thoughts also follow the corrupt. This is a bad reputation for ten, ten hundred, and no one is willing to contact with the family, now want to change too late.

  My family is "filial piety" as the saying goes, filial piety, filial piety to our parents and elders. When our parents are getting old, we can't talk back, we should always think about our parents. Talk to each other even when they are not right. That we do, don't refuse, try to help busy parents, so as to achieve the "filial piety".

  Family is family, have good manners to have a good tradition of everything in good order and well arranged, in order to better foothold in the society.

  家规英语作文 篇29

  There are many rules at my house. I have to get up at six o'clock and be home by 6:30pm.on weekdays.

  I have to do my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights.

  I have to stay at home instead of my friends’ home on school nights . I should clean up my room every morning and we take turns to take out the trush and wash dishes.

  My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because teenagers should sleep for 8~9 hours .

  I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,thought it is good for me .

  I can't do it .I think it is a good way to have a rest .

  Although I don’t agree with some of the ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.

  家规英语作文 篇30

  Family rules

  My parents are very strict. Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights. On weekends,I have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself.

  I have to get up at six o'clock every morning. And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock. Thanks to these rules. I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.










