
The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文

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The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文(通用13篇)

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The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文(通用13篇)

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇1

  It s important for us to be healthy all our life. We can t study or work well without healthy body.

  There re many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇2

  Health is most important for any of us. in order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge.

  First]y, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber and Iow in fat. As a proverb says, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." So fruit is good for health. Don't have a lot of food that contains too much fat, such as butter. Meanwhile, sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, because too much sugar does harm to us. Don't drink too much coffee,either.

  Secondly, exercise is necessary. Regular exercise can help us keep from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than who don't.

  Finally, form good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night,and never work too hard. Over work and little sleep will lead to illness. What's more, stay away from cigarettes.

  These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇3

  It's important for us to be healthy all our life. We can't study or work well without healthy body.

  There're many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games.

  If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇4

  I am very unhealthy, sick although uncomfortable, but still do not want to go to the hospital to see a doctor, I would rather have been sick, also do not want to go to see a doctor, I think, why there are so many viruses in the world!

  The disease treated me like my mother, my mother's skipping rope will always hit me, and the disease will always haunt me, if everyone will not get sick, that would be great! Sick feel like my mother is stepping on me; The runny nose felt like raindrops on my body; The feeling of coughing, like throat has been stabbed by a sharp knife, swallowing saliva feeling, like dying! The feeling of a headache, just like the exam is not the same pain.

  Remember the first day of February, my sister and I had the same disease, that day, I vomited five times, my sister vomited 16 times! At that time, my sister and I were both very uncomfortable. I thought everyone must be sick like me, very uncomfortable.

  Why is that? The world needs doctors, viruses, nurses? If there are no such things in the world, I will be very, very happy. If I am often sick or uncomfortable, everyone will feel very sad. I think every adult and child is like me, and want to have a very healthy and happy body.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇5

  I have seen the old people in the city, only 50 or 60 years old, sick, all day long pills and injections. But my grandmother was the opposite. My grandmother is sixty-five years old. She is still going strong and very healthy.

  One Sunday in late autumn last year, my mother and I went to visit my grandmother in the countryside. It is the autumn harvest season, my grandmother refused to stay at home, let my mother cook at home, she took me to the fields. Grandmother with a hand pointed to say: "This is our responsibility of the field." I looked, ho! That's a huge field of corn. A little dry corn stalks, solid standing a plump corn cob, some or "twins". I was worried to ask: "so much corn, when can you finish?" Grandmother but smiled and said: "What is this, for a while broke over." I thought my grandmother was bragging and looked at her suspiciously. Grandmother said, "Don't believe me? I'll show you." Said quickly to break up. I just began to feel fresh, but after breaking off twenty, I feel the hand is sour and painful, a look, palm red, it seems to bleed. So I impatient, ran to the stream to catch fish. Only heard grandma uninterrupted "click, click" crack corn sound. Two hours later I picked up my corn basket and found my trophy -- three big fish and two lobsters. But when I got to the field and saw piles of corn on the cob, I was so shocked that I couldn't believe my eyes.

  After returning home, I have been wondering: Grandma in the countryside to live so hard, every day up early in the dark, eat is simple food, why the body is so strong? It was not until recently that I read such a statement in a magazine that I understood the truth. The magazine said: "Labor created man, labor also strong man; Work can build muscles and bones, strengthen the heart function, sweat can detoxify and so on. "Originally, grandmother's hard is the result of labor! No wonder there is a famous saying: 'Life lies in movement. "Ah!"

  When I know the answer, I am very happy, did not expect a simple "travel", let me find the mystery of physical fitness, learned knowledge, and then guide their future life.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇6

  Perhaps, you will only praise the beauty of the butterfly, but do not know it in the darkness of the chrysalis desperately break free, and strive to grow. The view as it emerges from its chrysalis, the rays of sunlight as it spreads its wings and flies. I believe, it will not regret the pupae to its training, it will thank their efforts to grow.


  If life is a ladder, then growth is a stepping stone; If life is a special journey from birth to death, then growth is the most beautiful scenery you see; If life is an adventure, then growth is a booster; If life is a surprise party, then growth is the most precious gift.

  Starting from the heart

  Weak saplings into towering trees is a kind of growth; A smooth road to become tortuous is a kind of growth; Childish children into youth is a kind of growth. When parents let go of their hands, let you run, at this time you will start a new growth journey. Start anew, start from the heart. You have to begin to learn to grow in adversity, you have to slowly accept it to give you the blow, hone. Life needs you to hone an indomitable heart. In the face of growth to your frustration, just take it as a shower, wash away your troubles; Fold it into a paper airplane and blow it away with the wind; Turn it into a boat and go with the river. No sow, no harvest; No discipline, no glory; No setback, no glory. Growth needs to start from the heart, have a good mentality, the right to face life and setbacks.

  Sunshine all the way

  The growth of all things must be bathed in the sun, the grass in the sun's shine out of the head; Flowers in the sun in competition to open; The birds are flying freely in the sun. All things feed on the sun, parents give us a warm home, we feel the feeding of love, this is a warm home; Friends give us tolerant space, this is tolerant love; The teacher taught us a lesson that was tough love. We thrive in the sunshine of love, laughter all the way, all the way to growth, golden sunshine all over the road of growth.

  The healthy growth

  Health is the pillar of growth, indispensable. Multi-channel understanding of health knowledge, common sense, safety awareness in mind. Everywhere for their own health, do not give disease and danger any opportunity. Because we know that life is not just for us.

  Growth, like a plant of tender grass. Spring is still in the future, but it has been quietly opened. The growth of youth is silent, youth will not be forever, but at least in our grey hair, to savor the process of growth, this unforgettable experience, do not let yourself regret. Youth without regret, do your best.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇7

  Keeping healthy is what people care about all the time. Our school has a class about it. Now let me tell you something.

  Being healthy means that someone eats a balanced diet, is active, and is in a good mood. That's why people always emphasize the importance of keeping healthy. In addition, you should do some things to keep fit so that you can avoid getting sick, such as running in the morning, playing basketball after school, playing football on weekends and so on. It will help you grow healthily.

  Unless you stay healthy, you'll get sick. First, you should keep a balanced diet, you can choose to eat energy food. However, it is also important to eat fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. Second, you should take exercise every day to keep healthy. It can help you keep the weight off. Above all, keeping a good mood is just as important as Rhose. You should smile more often.

  That's what staying healthy is all about. I hope you eat a balanced diet.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇8

  Now that living conditions are better, many people forget about their health. As everyone knows, life is a treasure, health is capital.

  Just last week, my grandfather suddenly fainted on the way home. Hearing the tense news, my mother and uncle came to the hospital with anxiety. The doctor said Grandpa was too impatient and caused his blood vessels to rupture. After the doctor's rescue treatment, Grandpa is now no serious matter, but still need to rest and care, slowly to recover.

  After school, I went to the hospital to visit Grandpa and took a closer look. The people who get this kind of disease are basically the old people with gray hair, but some are not very old, but even turn over to ask their family members for help. I deeply feel: everyone should take good care of their own body, and then to the hospital to regret it is too late.

  Later, we analyzed the reasons for Grandpa's illness. One is that since Grandpa installed a computer at home, in order to relieve boredom, he played chess on it every day. His eyes always stared at the computer screen, and it was a long time to play. Two is often smoking, clearly know that they have diabetes, but also do not control the diet, sugar is too high food, he is free to buy to eat. Third, my grandmother is often sick, and my grandfather sometimes has to take care of her, which is very hard. Every time I go to his home, I often find grandpa always depressed and anxious. Long-term psychological pressure is also an important reason for his illness. Through this lesson, grandpa also said that he thoroughly understood, and determined not to smoke, not to drink, not to play mahjong, less angry and more exercise.

  Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to warn everyone that smoking is harmful to health, and it is everyone's responsibility to protect life. Health is the hard truth, without a good body, your ideal will be a fantasy; Without good health, your future will vanish; Without good body, everything will not exist!

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇9

  It is sometimes very ordinary, very ordinary, from the birth of it with us; But in some cases, it becomes so precious that some people even lose their money and spend their whole life without it, and eventually die in pain. We exercise every once in a while, to be honest, just so that it can always accompany us; Is to cherish and protect it forever! This hard-won health!

  There was a joke that was all the rage. Money is everything, but it just doesn't work here. It's funny, but it's also very poignant. The news and television have reported that many wealthy businessmen and rich people died of a serious illness. A few months ago, Macau gambling king Ho Hung Sang died of physical failure. In today's age, health is gradually replacing money as what people want most.

  Speaking of this, I can't help but think of my grandfather, who is a living example. When Grandpa was young, he was in excellent health and enjoyed playing basketball. But then he became interested in alcohol, and gradually, from the age of 60, he would often stay at home and drink himself into a stupor. In the long run, his lack of regular exercise and reliance on the pleasures of alcohol caused problems in his mobility. Finally, one morning two years ago, he fell at home and lost the strength to stand. After going to the hospital for examination, it is concluded that cerebral infarction. So for two consecutive years, the body gradually improved, walking smoothly, tea instead of wine. But in this year's Chinese New Year, he drank wine again, and again two years ago, but this time the examination of his cerebellum atrophy, and no drugs can inhibit, later action, memory and so on will be affected. Grandpa could have had his health again, but before he could enjoy it, he lost it forever. Health, you have, do not cherish, do not protect, it may leave you, never come back.

  I remember when I was in fourth grade, I had acute mumps, which is a highly contagious epidemic. At that time, more than ten students in the class were infected, resulting in our class was isolated for three or four days. With this disease, the lymph nodes in the neck swell up quickly and are extremely painful. It worried the whole family, especially Mom. My mother kept going back and forth between home and the hospital, looking for some remedies for me, hoping that I would get better faster. My mother's throat was also inflamed, itself can not be too tired, and then after I so toss, it is more serious. When I was well, my mother had a fever. Health not only needs us to cherish, but also needs love to protect it.

  There are many ways to protect your health. Exercise is the most common. But I think it's more important to have a healthy heart than anything else. It's a lot more effective than taking supplements or something. A healthy heart will encourage you to develop good living habits and maintain your health, right?

  Health is something that life can't do without. It's low-key, but at some point, it can make a big difference. If someone and I exchange money for health, then I don't agree. After all, in this world, in addition to food and love, there is health to live up to!

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇10

  What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health But if our health was taken away, we would surely die

  In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't When I am with my friends, I always laugh I like to laugh with my friends By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇11

  In this era of technological explosion, the sound of construction projects, the sound of car horns on busy roads, the sound of people talking to their mobile phones in the streets, have become the melody around people's ears. Adults, are busy working, earn money to support the family; Students are reading books, reviewing exams; The children are glued to their phones, watching TV and playing games. They almost forget to eat and sleep, and ignore the priceless treasure in life - health.

  Health is like a power plant, with which we have the power to move forward; Health is like a ballpoint pen, with it we can rewrite life; Health is like a triangle, with it we can add ornament to the song of life. There are many ways to keep your mind and body healthy, but one of the most important is to take care of your diet. Intelligent researchers have laid down the rules of the food pyramid for the public. People only need to eat according to the portions of food allocated in the "tower" day and night to maintain physical and mental health. For example, we should eat less greasy food, because it will cause obesity. We should eat meat in moderation, because it can make the body grow strong; We should eat more carbohydrates because they provide daily energy. Of course, eating more fruits and vegetables is also indispensable, it can boost the body's immune system. Therefore, the food pyramid can guide us towards healthy physical and mental development.

  Running water is not stale, a door-hinge is not worm-eaten, and moving. Exercise is also a good medicine for physical and mental health. According to scientists, humans should exercise at least 3 hours a week, 45 minutes a day on average. Things on the contrary, full is inclined, exercise must be appropriate, not blindly in order to promote health and unrestrained exercise, which will cause damage to the body, the loss outweighs the gain. Of course, before exercise, we also need to warm up and stretch to avoid unnecessary injury to limbs and organs, leading to unimaginable consequences. In the process of exercise, sweat will be excreted through the pores of toxins and waste, but also promote the function of metabolism.

  In addition, sleep also plays an important role in maintaining physical and mental health. People spend all their energy and energy in one day to have a full and meaningful day, and sleep feels meaningless, but it is very meaningful and significant. What do you mean? About a third of a person's life is spent sleeping. During this time, the body's organs rest and repair themselves, and this is when the liver does its best work. Between 11pm and 2pm, the spleen and liver help the body filter toxins. Basically, you need seven to eight hours of sleep a day. Only through sleep and plenty of rest can the body and mind fully recover and be ready for the new morning. Of course, water carries the boat, so also so overturn the boat, so sleep time should be appropriate, otherwise not only can not achieve the best effect, but also "get half the result with twice the effort".

  In order to maintain physical and mental health, one must pay more attention to one's daily habits and living environment. Avoid bad company as much as possible, and stay away from smoking, drinking, drugs, promiscuity, etc. As the saying goes: "out of the muck but not dyed", no matter how the friends and relatives around us, we should not be affected by their "filth". Not only that, but the environment you live in can also affect your health. We must ensure cleanliness and personal hygiene at all times. For example, take more showers, wash your hands before meals, make sure the sink is inverted, etc. Remember that orange is born in Huainan is orange, born in Huaibei is the truth of trifoliate orange. Prevention is better than cure, and regular physical check-ups are essential.

  Water, is the source of nature, the foundation of life. People can not do without it, because it can help maintain human body temperature, promote metabolism, thirst and other activities.

  The conclusion is that in order to ensure our own health, we must obey the above methods unconditionally, and also keep our physical and mental health properly. As the saying goes, "Suit the body, measure the belly, and eat." No matter what, we should do enough.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇12

  Health, just like life, is integrated with our life. But what is life? Are the clouds, leisurely, or rising or falling clouds; Is the mountain, proudly stand, towering into the sky; A river, flowing to the sea, day and night...

  We have a beautiful life, but if we want to have a permanent life, we should take good care of our body and pay more attention to our health.

  Some people say, "One cigarette is nothing." Did you know that the nicotine in one cigarette can kill a mouse, and the nicotine in 20 cigarettes can kill a cow? An adult who smokes 20 to 25 cigarettes a day inhales 50 to 70 milligrams of nicotine. These nicotine could have killed people, only because they are inhaled by the human body intermittent, coupled with the human body has a certain ability to detoxify, the smoker saved from death.

  Some people say, "A drop of wine is nothing." Do you know: in our daily life, we often drink beer, wine and liquor. The source, brewing process and ethanol content, i.e., alcohol strength, vary. Alcohol degree usually refers to the percentage of ethanol contained in the wine (by capacity) such as Beijing beer containing ethanol 5.4%, wine containing ethanol about 11-16%, usually called 11-16 degrees, liquor containing ethanol 38-60%, including 38% ethanol is also known as low-alcohol liquor. To sum up, drinking alcohol has both advantages and disadvantages for human health. Drinking a small amount of low-alcohol alcohol has some benefits, but drinking a large amount for a long time is harmful. Especially for teenagers and pregnant women. Adolescents are growing and developing and are more sensitive to the dangers of alcohol. So teenagers can't drink alcohol. The harmful effects of ethanol on pregnant women affect fetal development and even induce fetal congenital malformations, so pregnant women are absolutely forbidden to drink alcohol. Although "no wine, no dinner", at the same time, alcohol is also "intestinal poison", excessive drinking brought many harm. Every year, I don't know how many accidents are caused by drinking, how many people die in the heat, how many health lost between the bottles. So, if you want to have a healthy life, you should pay attention to every little bit. Everyone has a bankbook. "1" stands for health; "0" stands for power, status, reputation... Only if you have a "1", followed by as many zeros as possible, representing your wealth. But when your "1" doesn't exist, more "0" is useless, because you have nothing.

  This is a passage from Bai Yansong's article. It reminds us that health is everything, and without health, you have nothing.

  I can not help but sigh 1: Oh, please cherish health! In today's society, health is the focus of people's attention, because if people lose their health, then they will lose everything. Now there are many channels about health and those everywhere fitness equipment, can show that people pay attention to health. Only health, people will become beautiful, only health, life will be full. We should think of our health. I am in charge of my health!

  If a person lacks health, it is bound to have a incomplete life. This misfortune is not only a pain to oneself, but also a disaster to your family. So have a healthy life for yourself, for the people you love, and for the people who love you! Maybe you say: fate plays tricks on people. Well, don't be discouraged. Because your will is healthy, you can use your strong will to overcome your tragic fate.

  Always remember that health is your wealth and your destiny. If you want to light a cigarette, if you want to drink a glass of wine, then you should think about what they are giving you. Have a healthy life, then you have a good future. If you are not born a healthy person, then you can think of Beethoven's success and dedication, you can think of Helen's growth. God did not give them a healthy life, is that they use their own healthy thinking, with their own healthy will to change their fate, create a miracle. So, health is in the hands of each of us, and God is not favoring anyone. We should learn to cherish, learn to care for health. Life is the miracle of this world, so health is the source of this miracle. We should take our health into consideration in everything we do. Always remember: my health is my master, and to have health is to own the world.

  The Way to Keep Healthy英语作文 篇13

  Everyone wants to have a healthy body, because with a healthy body, there is strong energy to jump rope, to kick shuttlecock, to run, to do everything you want to do. Can WANT to HAVE a healthy body, first of all to speak hygiene, the following is Xiaoming and Dr. Ye Lang's dialogue, from which we can get what enlightenment?

  Xiaoming: A fourth-grade student ran out of the classroom with a banana and threw the banana peel at the door. Was he right to do so? Dr. Ye Lang: No. Xiaoming: Why? Dr. Ye Lang: Because if the banana peel is rotten, it will attract many flies, and flies can spread diseases and make us suffer; And rotten banana peels can also give off a bad smell, bacteria through the respiratory tract into our body, making us unhealthy; Even if the banana peel is not rotten, anyone who steps on it will slip and fall. We should throw the household rubbish into the dustbin.

  Xiaoming: A second grade student caught a cold, casually spit in the corridor, is that right? Dr. Ye Lang: No. Xiaoming: Why? Dr. Ye Lang: Because there are bacteria in sputum. If you spit everywhere, the bacteria in sputum will enter the body through the respiratory tract, causing harm to the human body and making us unhealthy. At this time, we should wrap the sputum in a napkin and throw it into the dustbin.

  Xiaoming: A third grade student just finished playing basketball, did not wash his hands into the classroom to eat, is it right? Dr. Ye Lang: No. Xiaoming: Why? Dr. Ye Lang: Because he just played basketball, his hands are covered with bacteria, if you don't wash your hands to eat, the bacteria will get on the food, if we eat the food covered with bacteria, we will get sick. It will also make us unhealthy. So we should wash our hands before eating and after using the toilet.

  Xiaoming: A Grade one student was playing with sand. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew. The student was blinded. He immediately rubbed his eyes with his hands. Dr. Ye Lang: No. Xiaoming: Why? Dr. Ye Lang: Because the students are playing with sand, their hands are covered with bacteria, if you rub your eyes with your hands, it will not only affect your vision, but also cause pinkeye, keratitis and so on. In this case, we should wait for the sand to flow out of our tears.

  At the end of the article, I hope we pay attention to hygiene, have a healthy body!

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