

时间:2021-07-13 14:17:28 经典语录 我要投稿


  1.I’ll spend the rest of my life here in Texas, trying to teach evolution to creationists.我的余生只能在德州度过,设法把进化论教给上帝论者们。


  2.I’m not crazy. My mother had me tested.我不是疯子。我妈妈带我去检测过。

  3.Oh, ho, a clever, albeit obsolete, euphemism for insufficient blood flow to the male sex organ.真聪明,虽然这种委婉表达男性性器官充血不足的说法过时了。

  4.Well, I grew up with an older brother and a very contentious twin sister, and I believe I can easily best you in any physical confrontation, be it noogies, swirlies or the classic Why Are You Hitting Yourself.我有一个哥哥,还有一个非常好争论的双胞胎姐姐,所以我确信在任何身体对抗中我都占上风,并足以揍得你找不到北。

  5.Penny, while I subscribe to the Many Worlds Theory, which posits the existence of an infinite number of Sheldons in an infinite number of universes, I assure you that in none of them am I dancing.佩妮,我支持“多个世界”理论,这个理论表明在无限个宇宙中存在着无限个谢尔顿,我向你保证,其中没一个“我”是在跳舞的。

  6.I can’t be impossible – I exist! I believe what you meant to say is – ‘I give up, he’s improbable’.怎么会没有,我就是存在的。我相信你想说的是“我投降,这种人几乎是不存在的。”

  7.Interesting. Sex works even better than chocolate to modify behavior. I wonder if anyone else has stumbled onto this?有趣。在修正行为方面,性爱比巧克力更有效。不知道有没有人研究过这点。

  8.Yes, since their relationship became carnal, Penny has upgraded his designated term of endearment, thus distinguishing him from those she calls sweetie, usually in an attempt to soften a thinly veiled insult.是的,当他们的关系进展到肉体层面,Penny就升级了对他的`爱称,以便和那些她称为“甜心”的人区分开来,通常是为了略微消减隐含的讽刺之意。

  9.Another reason to consider a life of piracy. Even today, I understand that’s an all-male profession.考虑当个海盗的另一个原因是,即使今天,我知道这职业还是男人的天下。

  10.There is a fine line between wrong and visionary. Unfortunately you have to be a visionary to see it.错误离空想只有一步之遥,不幸的是,你要成为一个空想家才能认识这一点。









