
英语演讲稿 环保

时间:2021-06-20 19:21:13 演讲稿大全 我要投稿

英语演讲稿 环保

The judges, each leader, comrades:

英语演讲稿 环保

You are good! The title of my speech today is" protective farmland, everybody has duty". My own niche in the country, long in the rural areas, land and I had a vague, not the road friendliness, I dare not say I can provoke the rejuvenation of China's beam, but I deeply feel that I belong to the land, my career is rooted in the land.

As the saying goes, one side of the water, is China the hot land for raising us that dragons descendants, phlogistic yellow children. China land, is our root, we are the Chinese land tree leaves. Deep rooted to the one, is to learn from China more fertile soil nutrition, to create our Chinese people's wisdom, courage and kindness; conversely, only we each leaf sufficient food, as the root of Chinese land in return, the tree will be more stronger.

At present, my bureau is learning the important thought of "Three Represents". Mao Zeping, believe that present each very familiar with this name, an ordinary grass-roots land management, but not ordinary mind shocking thousands on thousands of individual mind: as a cadre of rural basic level, Mao Zeping, he was always filled with people, to help farmers solve production, life difficult, for home as soon as possible take off deficient to become rich, make painstaking efforts, dedication; he always maintained the character of the working people, decades of work after the change, but love and dedication, hard work, hard work and plain living remains unchanged; he always bear in mind that the party's ideal and belief, everything everywhere with Party member standard strict demands on themselves, actively join the rural" Three Represents" important learning education activity, tired in the visiting people, do real thing job. His moral character and behavior, fully embodies the fine tradition of our party, fully embodies the Communist's noble sentiments, fully embodies the party members and cadres to practice the "Three Represents " relentlepursuit, with strong characteristics of the times. Mao Zeping is gone, but his dedication, work with quiet hard application; eager to learn, brave carries weight; adhere to the principles, dare to touch; the heart fastens masses, his deeds and noble spirit will always live in our hearts. I think, it is not a like Mao Zeping be serve the land of the root of the green land, makes China the tree of life and growth in nature? Today, we're taking comrade Mao Zeping as the example, learning to reassure him grounded mountain, love and dedication of the spirit of hard work, work with quiet hard application; learning he worked regardleof my bit, diligent in learning, the heavy responsibilities of the enterprising spirit of learning; he always and everywhere to Communist standard strict demands on themselves, adhere to the principles, dare to touch the spirit of responsibility; learning he consciously practice the tenet of the party, the heart fastens masses, dedicated dedication.

Everyone is responsible for his country. Here, I want to say," the protection of arable land, everybody has duty". The protection of arable land, we need all the sons and daughters of understanding and support; we need to unite, unite a thought, strengthen farmland hardship consciousness, establish love soil cherish ground concept, form" everybody selves, from generation to generation. The glory of" new social fashion. Carry forward the civilization, civilization tube to fresh air, to land into us filled with pure love. As land management personnel, we are duty-bound, we should regard bureau such as home, with great enthusiasm to participate in land management career, responsible for land management personnel shall be responsible, in the extraordinary position to work hard and perseveringly, devotion, dedication, fair and honest man, as a father, people 's heart, Cangnan; we should be worthy of China land to a tree leaf.

My friends! In order to make our Chinese land of evergreen trees, in order to Chinese land -- our common root, while the green life, green hell! Let us in the new starting point, a new level, with a new attitude, show new scene, set a new record, create new achievements, to repay the Chinese land of our gratitude! Thank you.

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